2016-04-19   Telecommunications services: ‘Internet access’ (European Railway Agency)
This call for tenders covers the delivery of Internet access services. This call for tenders specifies the type of services that must be delivered at customer premises and the type of physical redundancy expected from the contractor's network. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Orange SA
2016-04-08   Telecommunications services: ‘Data link’ (European Railway Agency)
This call for tenders covers the delivery of high-speed data link services. This call for tenders specifies the type of services that must be delivered at customer premises and the type of physical redundancy expected from the contractor's network. The selected tenderer will provide the European Railway Agency (the Agency) with network services to interconnect his various sites. These types of services are referred to along this document as data link services or link services. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Orange SA
2016-04-04   ERA 2016 07 OP ‘Design and construction of ERA stand for InnoTrans Berlin September 2016’ (European Railway Agency)
Design and construction of the selected stand, plus furniture, video screens, audio, lighting and other electrical equipment. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: ArtHOC Design GmbH
2016-03-30   ERA 2016 06 OP Communication services (European Railway Agency)
2 lots; the following types of services are requested: Grouped in lot 1: 1) photography; 2) provision of audiovisual production and multimedia services; and 3) live video streaming services. Grouped in lot 2: a) provision of graphic design and desktop publishing; b) printing service; c) provision of consultancy services and strategic advice; and d) editorial support. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: GOPA Com. Intrasoft International Page In Extremis Page In Extremis Sprl Quorum Italia
2016-01-27   ERA 2016 01 SC ‘Study on feasibility of satcom for railway communication’ (European Railway Agency)
The main objective of the study is to conclude on the potential feasibility for railway applications of current and future commercially available satellite communication services and products (equipment), as part of an integrated radio communication architecture with other radio communication networks. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Indra Sistemas S.A. in joint venture with ALG
2016-01-27   ERA 2016 02 OP ‘Provision of legal services in the field of preparation and implementation of the Agency's new tasks... (European Railway Agency)
Legal analysis under EU law of specific aspects related to the implementation of the Agency's new tasks envisaged after the adoption of the European Commission legislative proposal ‘4th railway package’ http://ec.europa.eu/transport/modes/rail/packages/2013_en.htm Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Christianos & Partners Law Firm
2015-09-15   Study on implementation of fees and charges at ERA in the framework of the fourth railway package (4RWP) (European Railway Agency)
The aim of this service contract is to provide the Agency with external highly-qualified expertise in economic/financial consultancy services to enable ERA to effectively prepare itself for the new tasks as provided in the new draft of the Agency Regulation included in the 4RWP. The basis of the services should be the identification of the reference/best-in-class practices that can be found in other European organisations/bodies performing tasks of a similar nature (e.g. other EU regulatory agencies … Voir la passation de marché »
2015-09-09   ‘Study on implementation of fees and charges at ERA in the framework of the fourth railway package (4RWP)’ (European Railway Agency)
The contractor shall carry out the study which consists of 3 main areas identified as requiring consultancy services: I. collection and analysis of data with a view to establish a framework for fees and charges; II. proposal of models for financial apportioning between the Agency and the national authorities; III. establish a list of criteria to be used for differentiating fee structure (special attention should be given to SMEs). Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Steer Davies Gleave
2015-08-11   ERTMS specification formalisation support and modelling (European Railway Agency)
As the ETCS specifications to date are written in Microsoft Word and other MS Office formats e.g. Access, a medium-/long-term approach towards formalisation and modelling is envisaged. Actually, there are several ongoing activities in this field and the sector organisations aim to solve this issue or at least significant parts of it in the Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking project. Meanwhile, ERA is working on a new release (R2) of the ETCS specifications with the aim to further consolidate ETCS baseline 3 … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: ERTMS Solutions S.P.R.L. European Rail Software Applications S.A.R.L. Multitel A.S.B.L. (for the consortium...
2015-06-29   ERA 2015 03 OP Cleaning services (European Railway Agency)
Provision of professional office cleaning services for the Agency premises in Lille and Valenciennes, as well as 3D (pest control of rodents and insects) services and the maintenance of the building exteriors and green parts of the Agency building in Valenciennes. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: S.A.S. Gom Propreté
2015-05-13   'Consultancy services for the preparation and implementation of the fourth railway package (4RWP) at ERA' (European Railway Agency)
Consultancy services: I. framework structure for fees and charges levied by ERA for issuing safety certificates and vehicle authorisations; II. liability of the Agency in performing its new activities and how the respective tasks, responsibilities and liabilities should best be allocated through cooperation agreements between ERA and the NSAs; III. other issues arising from the new 4RWP tasks, roles and responsibilities (for example, appeal boards, waiver of immunity, languages, other issues related to … Voir la passation de marché »
2015-03-09   ERA 2015 04 OP 'Studies on evolution of railway radio communication' (European Railway Agency)
The ERTMS, the train signalling and traffic management system for Europe, is enabling interoperability throughout the European rail network. It is a major industrial project being implemented by the European Union — a project which will serve to make rail transport safer and more competitive; an 'enabling' technology to allow exploitation of new business opportunities, operational improvements and efficiency streamlining. Evolutionary capability should be 'built-in' the system; it must not become a … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Consortium led by Team Communication... LS telcom AG Systra
2015-01-16   ERA/2015/01/OP 'ESP-EISD 5' (External service provision for ERA information system development) (European Railway Agency)
The European Railway Agency aims for the signature of a maximum of 3 contractors for the provision of external services in the field of development, studies and support of information systems for the following lots: — lot 1: on-site time and means information system development, support and assistance, — lot 2: off-site information system development, support and assistance, — lot 3: on-site and off-site information system conception, evaluation, quality and security. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Atos Belgium S.A. European Dynamics Luxembourg S.A. European Dynamics Luxembourg S.A.: leader... Everis Spain S.L.U. (Succursale en Belgique) Intrasoft International S.A. Nextera1 (consortium), composed of... Nextera2 (consortium) composed of... OnTrack (consortium) composed of Sopra... Trasys S.A.
2014-11-18   Language courses (European Railway Agency)
The expected services include: a) the teaching of collective courses of the Dutch, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish languages of a general nature based on a standardised program and to be held in the premises provided by the Agency; b) the organisation of tests of level B2 in French language as well as for Dutch, English, German, Italian and Spanish and possibly in other languages of the European Union. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: CLL Centres de langues à Louvain-la-Neuve... Communicaid SARL inlingua — SAS Bonnier
2014-07-23   Review of data quality and approach of the Agency annual report on safety (prospective study into the development of... (European Railway Agency)
To review the existing national approaches to occurrence data collection and analysis, propose a common approach, including detailed taxonomy of commonly reported data, carry out an impact assessment for any potential new legal requirements. In addition, the study will assess the reliability of reported suicide data, assess the real impact of suicide events on the EU railway system and provide recommendations on any future common actions. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Det Norske Veritas Ltd
2014-07-17   Technical assistance services in the field of quality management systems (European Railway Agency)
Assistance to the Agency with the quality management system and in creating and developing methods, tools and techniques for its establishment including stakeholders' analysis and integrated strategy, process mapping and continuous process improvement/re-engineering, and training/communication measures for the Agency's staff with a view to facilitating the understanding and an effective implementation of the process-based quality management system. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Novotec Consultores SA
2014-03-17   ERA 2014 04 ERTMS Evolution of GSM-R (European Railway Agency)
The result of this call for tender will be the signature of a contract with 1 entity with previous and valuable experience in carrying out this type of study/impact assessment for European institutions, or other organisations, and with deep knowledge in the telecommunication technologies and their uses in the transport sector, in particular in railways. The selected bidder should demonstrate their independence from any market strategies in order to achieve useful results. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: IDATE — Institut de l'Audiovisuel et des...
2014-02-05   Study on safety-related communication methodology (communication methods between drivers and signallers) (European Railway Agency)
The scope covers the communication between train drivers and signallers: Focusing on types of communication: — communication methods and tools used, — standard terminology used (as required in TSI OPE, Appendix C), — electronic communication. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Interfleet Transport Advisory Ltd
2013-12-05   ERA 2013 20 INTEROP OP 'Study on universal overhead contact line design "phase 2"' (European Railway Agency)
The European Railway Agency is in charge to develop and review technical specifications for interoperability (TSIs), according to Interoperability Directive 2008/57/EC. Among subsystems covered by TSIs is the energy subsystem defined in the Annex II point 2.2 of the Interoperability Directive (as amended by Annex I of the Directive 2011/18/EU). In this Annex, 'overhead lines' are included in the energy subsystem. This is the continuity of the study titled: 'Study on interface Euro/1950-pantographs and … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Arcadis Nederland B.V.
2013-05-16   ERA/2013/16/RSU/OP 'ESP EISD 4' (External service provision for ERA information system development) (European Railway Agency)
The European Railway Agency wishes to select up to 3 tenderers as external service providers for development, studies and support of information systems, for each of the lots described below: lot 1: information system development (on-site and off-site); lot 2: information system studies; lot 3: information system support. Voir la passation de marché »
2013-04-03   Survey on operational communications (study for the evolution of the railway communication system) (European Railway Agency)
The aim of the study is to present hard facts and statistics to the Agency and its WG to guide and orient the evolution of the GSM-R and the future harmonised communication system for the railways. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Analysys Mason Ltd
2013-03-20   ERA/2013/08/SAF/OP — Safety certification part A (study on safety certification arrangements of railway undertakings) (European Railway Agency)
The study is expected to provide an analysis of information on the current situation in relation to part A certificates and their usefulness in opening up the rail market and making it easier to work cross-border or in different MSs. It will include information gathered from a number of RUs identified by the contractor and cover a wide number of scenarios of cross-border operations. The contractor should first identify the scenarios and then select the RUs on that basis. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: SGS Correl Rail Ltd
2013-03-15   ERA 2013 07 SAF OP — training on the cross-audit (framework contract to deliver training sessions to support the NSA... (European Railway Agency)
The Agency, together with the network of the National Safety Authorities has developed a cross-audit framework to assess the organisational capability of the individual National Safety Authorities to deliver their core processes. To deliver the first full cycle of cross-audits in the period between 2013–2017, a series of training needs to be delivered for both Agency and available NSA staff on audit techniques and in particular their application in the context of the developed cross-audit framework. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Interfleet Technology Ltd Lloyd's Register Rail Europe BV
2012-12-19   Study on interface Euro/1950-pantographs and OCL design (European Railway Agency)
The new directive 2008/57/EC extends the interoperability to the complete EU railway network. However the majority of EU electrified networks apply different versions of 1950 mm pantograph profiles. To handle with this situation, CR LOC&PAS sets out that at least one of the pantographs to be installed on an electric unit shall have a head geometry type compliant with 1950 or 1600 mm. The question appears if it is possible to adapt OCL-designs making them suitable for both (1950 and 1600 mm pantographs) … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: TUC RAIL
2012-06-26   ERA/2012/SAF/OP/02 — identification of existing academic research on risk regulation regimes (European Railway Agency)
This is a desktop study which shall be carried out in 6 months through 5 steps. The selected contractor will go through existing academic research worldwide within the field of risk regulation regimes. Even though the main focus will be on academic research, it could also be relevant to have a look at different government or inter-governmental projects concerning risk regulation regimes. Initially, all research and administrative projects concerning risk regulation regimes (targeting either a whole … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: DNV Det Norske Veritas Ltd
2012-03-27   Prospective study into harmonised train accident precursor analysis and management (European Railway Agency)
The overall objectives of the study are as follows: — establish a theoretical basis for the monitoring and management of precursors by setting up a common set of causal trees and by identifying those precursor indicators with highest relevance to the safety management at EU/NSA/RU and IM levels, — provide an overview on the precursor monitoring practice at the level of NSA and RU/IM in a sample of EU countries in order to understand the current practice and the motivations behind it, — determine a … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: TRL Limited
2012-03-06   Support to the ERTMS specifications (European Railway Agency)
3 lots relevant to the technical and operational ERTMS specifications, and their planned maintenance, validation and development. The set of ERTMS specifications is referenced in the Annex A of the CCS TSI (control-command and signalling technical specification for interoperability) and Annex A of the OPE TSI (operational and traffic management technical specification for interoperability). Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Attica Advies BV DNV Det Norske Veritas Ltd GESTE Engineering Ltd Huawei Technologies BV INECO Interfleet Technology Ltd SAFE RAIL Signon Deutschland GmbH Systra
2011-08-03   ERA 2011 SAF OP 01 — examples and training tools for risk assessment (European Railway Agency)
The selected contractor will have to produce feedback on the application of Regulation 352 by the different actors, he will have to collect, provide and analyse real-life railway examples for the application of the risk management process described in the CSM Regulation from the everyday of the European railways and finally create a database linked with the current training modules to illustrate the current training modules. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Det Norske Veritas Limited
2011-07-25   ERA/2011/SAF/OP/04 — developing training for railway accident investigators (European Railway Agency)
The Agency's objective is to provide a programme of common training modules for railway accident investigators. The modular approach will enable NIBs to select and adapt training courses according to their respective needs. A training programme developed by the Agency will be a cost-effective way for NIBs to train investigators. In developing a common training programme for railway accident investigators throughout Europe, the Agency is looking to: — promote a common approach to investigation of railway … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Lloyd's Register Rail Europe BV
2011-07-25   ERA/2011/SAF/OP/02 — study on the assessment and the acceptance of risks related to human errors within the European railways (European Railway Agency)
Provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on the current practices of the European railways for the assessment and acceptance of risks related to human error. Giving descriptions and suggesting comparison means for these practices, the study will provide a basis for the decision-making discussions concerning the further development of risk acceptance criteria in the scope of the Regulation for the CSM on Risk Assessment. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: MTO
2011-06-28   Cleaning services, maintenance of green areas and services for the prevention, detection and destruction of harmful... (European Railway Agency)
The Agency, which has to maintain its buildings with due and proper care, therefore requires the services of a company specialising in the ‘multi-service’ field, namely: For its building in Valenciennes: cleaning services; services to maintain green areas; services for the prevention, detection and destruction of harmful substances. For its conference centre in Lille: cleaning services. The contract is not divided into lots. The tenderer must therefore be able to provide all the aforementioned services. … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: SAS Net Éclair
2011-04-01   Interpreting services for the European Railway Agency (ERA) (European Railway Agency)
The aim of the present call for tenders is to open competition between several specialist companies in the field of interpreting for meetings/conferences and to conclude 1 or more framework contracts with 1 or more of these companies. Voir la passation de marché »
2011-03-08   ERA 2011 ERTMS OP 01 — study for ETCS specification consolidation (European Railway Agency)
The subject of the contract is to procure the services of an external competent body to outsource some of those activities on some of the ETCS specification documents. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: EEIG ERTMS Users Group
2011-03-08   ERA 2011 SAF OP 03: benchmarking study of NSA (national safety authorities) enforcement powers (European Railway Agency)
This study will provide an analysis of information on the current situation in relation to national requirements. It will include information gathered in the 25 Member States who operate rail systems, as well as in Norway and Switzerland. The study will map what already exists both in the railway sector and other selected industrial sectors, where similar enforcement approaches are in use and shall also examine what role does the NSA play in enforcing the safety regulatory framework and what tools does … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: TRL Limited
2011-01-24   ERA/2011/DIR/OP/01: 'Technical assistance services in the field of quality management systems' (European Railway Agency)
Assistance to the Agency in establishing a process-based management system and in creating and developing methods, tools and techniques for its establishment including stakeholders' analysis and integrated strategy, process mapping and continuous process improvement/re-engineering. Assistance to the Agency in establishing a general training programme, organising specific training activities, and creating information products designed to strengthen the Agency's continuous improvement 'culture' and … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Deloitte consulting SCRL Highland Worldwide Consortium Novotec consultores