2017-09-19Surveillance des eaux cotieres des bassins rhone mediterranee et corse (Agence de l'eau RM&C)
La présente consultation a pour objet l'attribution d'un marché d'évaluation de l'état écologique de l'herbier de Posidonie de la façade méditerranéenne et pose de thermomètres à proximité des points d'évaluation de l'état écologique de l'herbier de Posidonie ainsi que d'un marché d'évaluation de l'état écologique du Coralligène de la façade méditerranéenne et pose de thermomètres à proximité des points d'évaluation de l'état écologique du Coralligène.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Andromede Oceanologie
2015-01-09Ocean and sea ice thematic assembly centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply a sea surface temperature, surface wind and sea ice observation data service for the Ocean at the global scale and for European seas at a regional scale. This service will collect satellite data from the ground segment of the space agencies and produce high quality physical data in real time and non-real time, as a component of the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Norwegian Meteorological Institute
2015-01-09Iberian-Biscay-Irish monitoring and forecasting centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply an Ocean analysis and forecasting service on the regional scale of the Iberian-Bay of Biscay-Irish Atlantic zone through the production of physical and biogeochemical data in real time and non-real time, integrated into the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Puertos del Estado
2015-01-09Ocean colour thematic assembly centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply an ocean colour observation data service for the Ocean at the global scale and for European seas at a regional scale. This service will collect satellite data from the ground segments of the space agencies, produce high quality physical data in real time and non-real time, and be integrated as a component of the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
2015-01-09In situ thematic assembly centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply an in-situ observation data service for the Ocean at the global scale and for European seas at a regional scale. This service will collect satellite data from the ground segments of the space agencies, produce high quality physical data in real time and non-real time, and be integrated as a component of the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Institut Francais pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
2015-01-09North-west shelf monitoring and forecasting centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply an Ocean analysis and forecasting service on the regional scale of the North-West Shelf through the production of physical and biogeochemical data in real time and non-real time, integrated into the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Met Office
2015-01-09Sea level thematic assembly centre (Mercator Ocean)
The object of this contract is to supply a sea level observation data service for the Ocean at the global scale and for European seas at a regional scale. This service will collect satellite data from the ground segments of the space agencies, produce high quality physical data in real time and non-real time, and be integrated as a component of the ‘Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service’.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Collecte Localisation Satellites