TThe global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have:
To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing, affordability, roll-out time
scales, all that by taking in account social implications, in order to achieve the 2040 target.
To propose and discuss alternative potential pathways, based upon a multi-criteria analysis,
so that a pathway / Net Zero Model is approved at the end by Transnet.
By first focusing on "internal" Transnet activities, this perimeter having to be defined by the
Consultant with Transnet.
At the end of WP2, the Service Provider will gather and consolidate these results above with
WP2 ones to present a global perspective regarding the Transnet 2040 Just Net Zero Transition
Strategy and a Short-Term Roadmap.
The Service Provider shall then support Transnet in implementing the Short-Term Roadmap.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2023-09-01.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2023-07-18.
Les fournisseurs suivants sont mentionnés dans les décisions d'attribution ou dans d'autres documents relatifs aux marchés publics :
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Transnet Green Freight Strategy and Net Zero emissions objective. Stress Test Net Zero Study South Africa”
Produits/services: Services d'assistance technique📦
Produits/services: QB52
Brève description:
“TThe global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have:
To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing,...”
Brève description
TThe global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have:
To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing, affordability, roll-out time
scales, all that by taking in account social implications, in order to achieve the 2040 target.
To propose and discuss alternative potential pathways, based upon a multi-criteria analysis,
so that a pathway / Net Zero Model is approved at the end by Transnet.
By first focusing on "internal" Transnet activities, this perimeter having to be defined by the
Consultant with Transnet.
At the end of WP2, the Service Provider will gather and consolidate these results above with
WP2 ones to present a global perspective regarding the Transnet 2040 Just Net Zero Transition
Strategy and a Short-Term Roadmap.
The Service Provider shall then support Transnet in implementing the Short-Term Roadmap.
Produits/services supplémentaires: Services d'assistance technique📦
Produits/services supplémentaires: QB52
Produits/services supplémentaires: Études de faisabilité, service de conseil, analyse📦
Lieu d'exécution: za 🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution: South Africa
Description du marché:
“Transnet Green Freight Strategy and Net Zero emissions objective. Stress Test Net Zero Study South Africa” Critères d'attribution
Critère de qualité (nom):
“WMN: Quality of methodology Definition and assessment of the criterion : See appendix "Imposed Response Framework".”
Critère de qualité (pondération): 30
Critère de qualité (nom):
“CVEX : proposed Profiles Definition and assessment of the criterion : See appendix "Imposed Response Framework".”
Critère de qualité (pondération): 50
Prix (pondération): 20
Champ d'application du marché
Valeur totale estimée hors TVA: EUR 270 000 💰
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 10
Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options:
“Similar services to those of this contract may be awarded to the same contractor by a contract awarded without competition or prior publication in...”
Description des options
Similar services to those of this contract may be awarded to the same contractor by a contract awarded without competition or prior publication in accordance with the conditions provided for in Article R. 2122-7 of the Public Procurement Code.
Afficher plus Description
Informations complémentaires:
“This procurement procedure is launched following the open call for tenders procedure in accordance
with the des articles R. 2124-1, R. 2124-2 1° et R....”
Informations complémentaires
This procurement procedure is launched following the open call for tenders procedure in accordance
with the des articles R. 2124-1, R. 2124-2 1° et R. 2161-2 à R. 2161-5 of the Public Procurement Code.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to bring no later than 6 days before the deadline for submission of offers, detailed changes to the standard bidding documents.
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Situation économique et financière
Critères de sélection énoncés dans les documents de passation de marchés
Capacité technique et professionnelle
Critères de sélection énoncés dans les documents de passation de marchés
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure ouverte
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2023-09-01
12:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 4
Conditions d'ouverture des offres: 2023-09-01
13:00 📅
Informations complémentaires Informations sur les flux de travail électroniques
La facturation électronique sera acceptée
Le paiement électronique sera utilisé
Informations complémentaires
“Final payment will be made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the invoice by AFD, subject to the user service finding that the services...”
Final payment will be made within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of the invoice by AFD, subject to the user service finding that the services have been properly performed.
Informations complémentaires (2023-08-31) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Commune postale: Paris cedex 12
Code postal: 75598
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Brève description:
“TThe global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have: To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing,...”
Brève description
TThe global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have: To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing, affordability, roll-out time scales, all that by taking in account social implications, in order to achieve the 2040 target. To propose and discuss alternative potential pathways, based upon a multi-criteria analysis, so that a pathway / Net Zero Model is approved
at the end by Transnet. By first focusing on "internal" Transnet activities, this perimeter having to be defined by the Consultant with Transnet. At the end of WP2, the Service Provider will gather and consolidate these results above with WP2 ones to present a global perspective regarding the Transnet 2040 Just Net Zero Transition Strategy and a Short-Term Roadmap. The Service Provider shall then support Transnet in implementing the Short-Term Roadmap.
Informations complémentaires Référence de l'avis original
Numéro de l'avis au JO S: 2023/S 139-440355
Changements Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.2)
Ancienne valeur
Date: 2023-09-01 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2023-09-08 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.7)
Ancienne valeur
Date: 2023-09-01 📅
L'heure: 13:00
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2023-09-08 📅
L'heure: 13:00
Source: OJS 2023/S 170-534843 (2023-08-31)
Avis d'attribution de marché (2024-01-09) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Adresse du profil d'acheteur:🌏
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Brève description:
“The global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have:
To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing,...”
Brève description
The global purpose of WP1 assignment is as follows, the Service Provider will have:
To stress test the preliminary5 Net Zero Models in terms of costing, affordability, roll-out time
scales, all that by taking in account social implications, in order to achieve the 2040 target.
To propose and discuss alternative potential pathways, based upon a multi-criteria analysis,
so that a pathway / Net Zero Model is approved at the end by Transnet.
By first focusing on "internal" Transnet activities, this perimeter having to be defined by the
Consultant with Transnet.
At the end of WP2, the Service Provider will gather and consolidate these results above with
WP2 ones to present a global perspective regarding the Transnet 2040 Just Net Zero Transition
Strategy and a Short-Term Roadmap.
The Service Provider shall then support Transnet in implementing the Short-Term Roadmap.
Afficher plus
Valeur totale du marché (hors TVA): EUR 270 000 💰
Informations complémentaires:
“This procurement procedure is launched following the open call for tenders procedure in accordance
with the des articles R. 2124-1, R. 2124-2 1° et R....”
Informations complémentaires
This procurement procedure is launched following the open call for tenders procedure in accordance
with the des articles R. 2124-1, R. 2124-2 1° et R. 2161-2 à R. 2161-5 of the Public Procurement Code.
Procédure Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2023/S 139-440355
Attribution du marché
“Transnet Green Freight Strategy and Net Zero emissions objective. Stress Test Net Zero Study South Africa”
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2024-01-09 📅
Informations sur les appels d'offres
Nombre d'offres reçues: 3
Nom et adresse du contractant
Nom: WSP Group Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Adresse postale: Building 1 Maxwell Office Park Magwa Crescent West Waterfall City
Commune postale: Midrand
Code postal: 01685
Pays: Afrique du Sud 🇿🇦
Région: za 🏙️
Le contractant est une PME
Information sur la valeur du contrat/lot (hors TVA)
Valeur totale estimée du contrat/lot: EUR 269 930 💰
Valeur totale du contrat/lot: EUR 269 930 💰
Informations sur la sous-traitance
Le contrat est susceptible d'être sous-traité
Source: OJS 2024/S 009-021888 (2024-01-09)