The Council of Europe is currently implementing the EU-CoE Joint Project: “Attorney General and State Advocate in Malta – Implementation of action plan of offices re-organization”. In that context, it is looking for Provider(s) for communication services to be requested by the Council on an as needed basis.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2024-01-14.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2023-12-20.
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“CdE - Purchase of communication services for the Offices of Attorney General and State Advocate in Malta”
Produits/services: Services de conseil en affaires et en gestion📦
Brève description:
“The Council of Europe is currently implementing the EU-CoE Joint Project: “Attorney General and State Advocate in Malta – Implementation of action plan of...”
Brève description
The Council of Europe is currently implementing the EU-CoE Joint Project: “Attorney General and State Advocate in Malta – Implementation of action plan of offices re-organization”. In that context, it is looking for Provider(s) for communication services to be requested by the Council on an as needed basis.
The present tendering procedure aims to select Provider(s) to support the implementation of the project and
is divided into the following lots:
Lot 1: Measuring public trust for the Office of the Attorney General of Malta
Lot 2: Development of communication and stakeholder / public relations strategy for the Office of the Attorney General of Malta
Lot 3: Development of stakeholder relations and communication strategy for the Office of the State Advocate of Malta
Lot 4: Training on communication
Lot 5: Support in design of communication actions, such as but not limited to:
press-release; newspaper or magazine article; feature story; op-ed; social
media post; scripts for video/animation and collection of analytics on the
publised communication items
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée de l'accord
Date de début: 2024-01-23 📅
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions liées au contrat
Conditions d'exécution du contrat:
“The procurement for the contract will be conducted in accordance with the CoE procedures as set out in tender documents and applicable internal legal...”
Conditions d'exécution du contrat
The procurement for the contract will be conducted in accordance with the CoE procedures as set out in tender documents and applicable internal legal instruments of the CoE, in particular Rule No. 1395 of 20 June 2019 on the procurement procedures of the CoE. No other procurement procedures will apply. These documents may be downloaded on the website of the CoE . In submitting this form, the Council of Europe does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of the General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe and its Protocols, and in particular Article 21 - Disputes - of the General Agreement.
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure ouverte
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2024-01-14
23:59 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 6
Conditions d'ouverture des offres: 2024-01-14
23:59 📅
Informations complémentaires Organe de révision
Nom: Council of europe
Commune postale: Strasbourg
Pays: France 🇫🇷 Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Council of europe
Adresse postale: Avenue de l'Europe
Commune postale: Strasbourg
Code postal: 67075
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Courrier électronique:📧
Source: OJS 2023/S 247-781063 (2023-12-20)