IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France, with 8 submarines cables installed by pair in 1986 along four routes of 46 km each from Sangatte to Flokestone. National Grid and RTE aims at procuring a marine survey contractor to carry out a high-quality offshore and nearshore marine geophysical and cable tracking survey in 2019, along with associated reporting.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2018-11-28.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2018-11-08.
Les fournisseurs suivants sont mentionnés dans les décisions d'attribution ou dans d'autres documents relatifs aux marchés publics :
Avis de marché (2018-11-08) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: RTE – Réseau Transport Electricité
Adresse postale:
“Immeuble Coeur Défense, Direction achats, 100 esplanade du Général de Gaulle, Paris La Défense 92932 France”
Commune postale: Paris
Code postal: 92119
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Personne de contact: Chloé Zhou
Téléphone: +33 179248084📞
Courrier électronique: chloe.zhou@rte-france.com📧
Région: France🏙️
URL: http://www.rte-france.com🌏
Adresse du profil d'acheteur: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Nom: National Grid
Commune postale: Warwick
Pouvoir adjudicateur
Code postal: CV34 6DA
Pays: Royaume-Uni 🇬🇧
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Personne de contact: Carole Salvan
Pouvoir adjudicateur
Courrier électronique: carole.salvan@nationalgrid.com📧
Région: United Kingdom 🏙️
URL: https://www.nationalgrid.com🌏 Informations sur la passation conjointe de marchés
Le contrat prévoit la passation d'un marché conjoint
En cas de passation conjointe de marchés impliquant différents pays, indiquer la législation nationale applicable en matière de passation de marchés: French law will be the applicable national procurement law.
L'accès aux documents d'appel d'offres est restreint
URL des documents: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
URL de participation: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Marine Geophysical and Cable Tracking Survey – IFA2000 Interconnector Project
Produits/services: Services d'ingénierie📦
Brève description:
“IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France, with 8 submarines cables installed by pair in 1986...”
Brève description
IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France, with 8 submarines cables installed by pair in 1986 along four routes of 46 km each from Sangatte to Flokestone. National Grid and RTE aims at procuring a marine survey contractor to carry out a high-quality offshore and nearshore marine geophysical and cable tracking survey in 2019, along with associated reporting.
Produits/services supplémentaires: Services marins📦
Produits/services supplémentaires: Services de cartographie maritime📦
Lieu d'exécution: France🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: United Kingdom 🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution:
“4 separate routes, each one with 2 cables installed initially in the same trench, between France and UK marine areas.”
Description du marché:
“National Grid Interconnectors Ltd (NGIL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Grid Plc. In the UK, National Grid owns, operates and develops the...”
Description du marché
National Grid Interconnectors Ltd (NGIL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Grid Plc. In the UK, National Grid owns, operates and develops the high-voltage electricity transmission network in England and Wales and the principal gas transportation system in the geographic regions of North West of England, West Midlands, East Midlands, East Anglia and North London.
RTE is the French TSO; it owns, operates and develops the French Electricity Transmission System with the primary objectives of balancing electricity generation with consumption, guaranteeing the secure operation of the power system.
The survey will comprise of the following activities:
— Nearshore and offshore geophysical survey along all the routes, including, but not limited to multi-beam echo sounder and side scan sonar, sediment profiling around the cable,
— cable tracking survey offshore and nearshore using an acousting based technology since the HVDC will be in operation, in order to obtain a precise position of the cables and the depth of burial associated up to 5 meters. The tenderer shall describe:
the suitability of the chosen equipment based on experience in similar operations, and the adequacy with the vessels proposed and associated ROV if necessary.
— in option, an additional survey will be carried out on a part of the routes, with a magnetic based cable tracking system associated with a tone injection in the cable, during a period of maintenance of the links (planned between June 17th and 28th 2019, subject to modification).
In option, surveys will be made at the landing of the cables (topography, position of the cables).
The objective of Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) process is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for the provision of services as required by NG and RTE.
RTE will lead the procurement process for this piece of work on behalf of NG and RTE. The contract will be awarded on a tripartite basis.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 5
Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre minimum envisagé: 3
Nombre maximum: 6
Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options:
“— an additional survey will be carried out on a part of the routes, with a magnetic based cable tracking system associated with a tone injection in the...”
Description des options
— an additional survey will be carried out on a part of the routes, with a magnetic based cable tracking system associated with a tone injection in the cable, during a period of maintenance of the links (planned between June 17th and 28th 2019, subject to modification),
— surveys will be made at the landing of the cables (topography, position of the cables).
Afficher plus Description
Informations complémentaires:
“RTE and NG reserve the right to award directly the work to most competitive bid without negotiation process.”
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English...”
Liste et brève description des conditions
Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English should be submitted. In order to be considered, the Candidates shall provide information and documents required in the PQQ which is attached to the etender notice for this tender at https://rte-france.bravosolution.com
Afficher plus Situation économique et financière
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English should be submitted. In order to be considered, the Candidates shall provide information and documents required in the PQQ which is attached to the etender notice for this tender at https://rte-france.bravosolution.com
Afficher plus Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
Documentation and certification required have to be provided in English. In case of original documentation in other languages, translation into English should be submitted. In order to be considered, the candidates shall provide information and documents required in the PQQ which is attached to the etender notice for this tender at https://rte-france.bravosolution.com
Afficher plus Conditions de participation
Dépôts et garanties exigés:
“Bank guarantees and/or parent company guarantee can be required and will be prescribed in the tender rules.”
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2018-11-28
18:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 6
“1) Interested parties must register their interest on the e-procurement platform web site: www.http://rte-bravosolution.com
All information relating to...”
1) Interested parties must register their interest on the e-procurement platform web site: www.http://rte-bravosolution.com
All information relating to attachments, including clarifications and changes, will be published on the e-procurement platform is free of charge;
2) This is the sole call for competition for this service;
3) RTE and NG will not be responsible for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by candidates or tenderers;
4) It will be a condition of award that candidates are tax compliant and are in a position to produce a valid tax clearance certificate when requested;
5) If for any reason it is not possible to award the contract to one or more of the tenderers invited following the conclusion of this competitive process, RTE and NG reserve the right to award the contract to the next ranked tenderer as appropriate;
6) At its absolute discretion, RTE and NG may elect to terminate this procurement process or any contract awarded;
7) Without prejudice to the principle of equal treatment, RTE and NG are not obliged to engage in a clarification process with missing or incomplete information. Therefore, candidates are advised to ensure that they return completed documents in order to avoid the risk of elimination from the competition.
Afficher plus Organe de révision
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠 Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠
Source: OJS 2018/S 218-500412 (2018-11-08)
Avis d'attribution de marché (2019-06-03) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: Rte
Adresse postale: Immeuble WINDOW 7C Place du Dome
Commune postale: Paris la Defense Cedex
Code postal: 92073
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Nom: Rte
Adresse postale: Immeuble WINDOW 7C Place du Dome
Commune postale: Paris la Defense Cedex
Personne de contact: Chloé Zhou
Téléphone: +33 179248084📞
Adresse du profil d'acheteur: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
Pouvoir adjudicateur Informations sur la passation conjointe de marchés
En cas de passation conjointe de marchés impliquant différents pays, indiquer la législation nationale applicable en matière de passation de marchés: French Law
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Marine Geophyisical and Cable Tracking Survey — IFA2000 Interconnector Project
2018S 218 500412”
Brève description:
“IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France, with 8 submarines cables installed by pair in 1986...”
Brève description
IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France, with 8 submarines cables installed by pair in 1986 along 4 routes of 46 km each from Sangatte to Flokestone. National Grid and RTE aims at procuring a marine survey contractor to carry out a high-quality offshore and nearshore marine geophysical and cable tracking survey in 2019, along with associated reporting.
Afficher plus Description
Description du marché:
“IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France,with eight submarines cables installed by pair in 1986...”
Description du marché
IFA2000 is a 2000MW High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) interconnector running between UK and France,with eight submarines cables installed by pair in 1986 along 4 routes of 46 km each from Sangatte to Flokestone. National Grid and RTE aims at procuring a marine survey contractor to carry out a high-quality offshore and nearshore marine geophysical and cable tracking survey in 2019, along with associated reporting.
Afficher plus Informations sur les options
Description des options:
“— an additional survey will be carried out on a part of the routes, with a magnetic based cable tracking system associated with a tone injection in the...”
Description des options
— an additional survey will be carried out on a part of the routes, with a magnetic based cable tracking system associated with a tone injection in the cable, during a period of maintenance of the links (planned between 17.6.2019 and 28.6.2019, subject to modification),
— surveys will be made at the landing of the cables (topography, position of the cables).
Procédure Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2018/S 218-500412
Attribution du marché
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2019-05-10 📅
Nom et adresse du contractant
Nom: N-sea
Commune postale: Zierikzee
Pays: Pays-Bas 🇳🇱
Région: Nederland 🏙️
Le contractant est une PME
Informations complémentaires Organe de révision
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Source: OJS 2019/S 108-264067 (2019-06-03)