RTE, the French electricity transmission system operator, is responsible for the development, maintenance, and operation of the transmission system both onshore and offshore.
RTE wish to call on a measurement service provider to realize offshore geophysical and geotechnical surveys (in water depths greater than 10 m), including UXO survey in the geotechnical boxes, aiming to prepare future tender for the installation of double submarine electrical link of around 250-300 kms off the Atlantic Coast (France). Geophysical services will be performed preferably in Spring/Summer 2024. Geotechnical/UXO survey operations date will be defined by RTE in the tender documents.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2023-07-24.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2023-06-22.
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Offshore Geophysical and Geotechnical Survey, including UXO survey in geotechnical boxes, off the Atlantic Coast (France)”
Produits/services: Services d'ingénierie📦
Brève description:
“RTE, the French electricity transmission system operator, is responsible for the development, maintenance, and operation of the transmission system both...”
Brève description
RTE, the French electricity transmission system operator, is responsible for the development, maintenance, and operation of the transmission system both onshore and offshore.
RTE wish to call on a measurement service provider to realize offshore geophysical and geotechnical surveys (in water depths greater than 10 m), including UXO survey in the geotechnical boxes, aiming to prepare future tender for the installation of double submarine electrical link of around 250-300 kms off the Atlantic Coast (France). Geophysical services will be performed preferably in Spring/Summer 2024. Geotechnical/UXO survey operations date will be defined by RTE in the tender documents.
The measurement service provider awarded will realize offshore geophysical and geotechnical surveys including UXO survey in the geotechnical boxes as part of de-risking studies for a French submarine electrical connection.
The purpose of these surveys is to have the necessary knowledge of the connection corridor(s) to define the routing of the submarine cables for the electrical connection.
Collected samples will be tested and analyzed in laboratory. Results and data will be delivered in the form of reports.
This contract is based on a price schedule which includes lump sum and unit rates. The price schedule will establish the detailed list of services
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 36
Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre minimum envisagé: 3
Nombre maximum: 5
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats:
“Selection criteria
- A turnover of more than 8M€ for at least one of the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022)
- Compliance with the relevant health and...”
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats
Selection criteria
- A turnover of more than 8M€ for at least one of the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022)
- Compliance with the relevant health and safety, environmental and employment legislation (under French law).
- Implementation of a robust documented quality management system (QMS)
- Sufficient manpower (with relevant and appropriate expertise and experience) and other resources required to carry out contracts of this nature.
- Availability of survey vessels and all other relevant equipment required to carry out the above-mentioned surveys and to complete a geophysical survey in 2024.
- Recent and relevant experience to deliver contracts of this nature
- Ability to operate in France (e.g. stakeholder engagement, liaison with fisheries), and level of knowledge of the licensing process in France and abroad.
Afficher plus Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options: Will be defined in the tender documents.
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“Applicants established in France :
-An identification card proving registration in the trade register (original or copy) dated less than 3 months before the...”
Liste et brève description des conditions
Applicants established in France :
-An identification card proving registration in the trade register (original or copy) dated less than 3 months before the deadline for responses; or a receipt for the declaration filed with a business formalities centre for legal entities or individuals currently registered.
Candidate established outside France:
-a document issued by the authorities holding the professional register or an equivalent document certifying this registration or, for companies in the process of being set up, a document dated less than 3 months from the authority authorised to receive the registration in the professional register and certifying the application for registration in the said register;
-a document mentioning its identity and address or, where appropriate, the details of its fiscal representative in France.
For all candidates:
-A dated and signed declaration on honour justifying that it does not fall within any of the cases of prohibition of tendering mentioned in Articles L.2141-1 to L.2141-5 of Ordinance no. 2008-1074 of 26 November 2018 relating to the legislative part of the Public Order Code and that it is in order with regard to Articles L.5212-1 to L.5212-11 of the Labour Code concerning the employment of disabled workers; These are, without being exhaustive:
-penalties imposed by a criminal judge relating to corruption in the broad sense, misappropriation of funds, influence peddling, illegal taking of interest, fraud, breach of trust, forgery and use of forgeries, money laundering, participation in a criminal association, for acts of terrorism, for drugs;
-failures to comply with social or fiscal obligations, established either by a judge, or by the authorities responsible for collecting taxes, contributions and social security payments, or by the labour inspection services and similar bodies;
-statements of compulsory liquidation, bankruptcy or legal redress which do not justify the right to continue the activities for the foreseeable duration of the performance of the public contract, recorded by the commercial court
-violation of the rules relating to the fight against illegal employment, recorded by the labour inspectorate and similar services or reported by the latter to the representatives of the State.
Applicants must not be in one of the cases listed in 1° of article 5 duodecies of European Union Council regulation no. 2022/576 of April 8, 2022 concerning restrictive measures with regard to Russia's actions destabilizing the situation in Ukraine.
Candidate belonging to the EDF Group or the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (CDC) Group
In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of Articles L111-10 et seq. of the Energy Code, a candidate controlled directly or indirectly by a company in the EDF or CDC Group must produce in its application file a statement indicating its capital link with one or more companies in the EDF or CDC Group. In the event of a conflict of interest, the candidate undertakes to provide evidence of his irrefutable independence in relation to the consultation in question.
Applicants (or members of a consortium) in receivership are informed that, in accordance with Article R.2143-9 of the French Public Procurement Code, they must provide RTE with a copy of the judgement(s) pronounced in the event of a contract award.
These elements must be provided by the individual candidates, by each member of a candidate group and, where applicable, by the subcontractors presented.
Afficher plus Situation économique et financière
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“- Prove a turnover of more than 8M€ for at least one of the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022) and provide financial reports (Balance Sheets and Profit and...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
- Prove a turnover of more than 8M€ for at least one of the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022) and provide financial reports (Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Accounts).
- Provide the share of turnover corresponding to the activity, subject of the proposed service, for the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022);
- Provide a brief history of the company and an organisation chart (specifying the number of people employed);- Present itself in a legal form that allows a clear assessment of its resources, organisation and division of responsibilities;
In the case of a group submission, each of the following documents must be submitted by each member of the group.
“a turnover of more than 8M€ for at least one of the previous 3 years (2020, 2021, 2022)” Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“The PQQ form available on Bravosolution must be completed. The main items are as follows:
- Section 1 : Health & Safety, Environment and Employment...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
The PQQ form available on Bravosolution must be completed. The main items are as follows:
- Section 1 : Health & Safety, Environment and Employment :
1.1 Provide Statutory Obligations under safety, Health, Environmental, Employment legislations …
1.2 Health and Safety : management structure by identifying the roles and qualifications of persons with responsibilities for health, safety & environment… Performance record and consultant/sub-consultant validation
- Section 2 : Quality Assurance : Provide Quality Certification and implementation of a Quality organization through a documented quality management system
- Section 3 : Candidate Capacity:
3.1 Provide the average annual manpower related to this service
3.2 Provide a breakdown, by role, of the candidate’s current key related to this service by filling the table
3.3 Provide details of the surveys vessels capable of operating in offshore areas and the associated equipment related to this service.
- Section 4 : Previous Experience
4.1 Provide recent Relevant contracts in the last 5 years
4.2 Provide details of general Industry Experience relevant to RTE’s business and requirements listed under the scope of work for this contract
Afficher plus Conditions de participation
Conditions de participation (capacités techniques et professionnelles):
“- Compliance with the relevant health and safety, environmental and employment legislation (under French law).
- Implementation of a robust documented...”
Conditions de participation (capacités techniques et professionnelles)
- Compliance with the relevant health and safety, environmental and employment legislation (under French law).
- Implementation of a robust documented quality management system (QMS)
- Sufficient manpower (with relevant and appropriate expertise and experience) and other resources required to carry out contracts of this nature.
- Availability of survey vessels and all other relevant equipment required to carry out the above-mentioned surveys and to complete a geophysical survey in 2024.
- Recent and relevant experience to deliver contracts of this nature
- Ability to operate in France (e.g. stakeholder engagement, liaison with fisheries), and level of knowledge of the licensing process in France and abroad.
Afficher plus
Dépôts et garanties exigés:
“Deposits or bank guarantees may be required and will be indicated in the consultation file.”
Principales conditions de financement et modalités de paiement et/ou référence aux dispositions pertinentes qui les régissent:
“Financing from own resources. Payment within 49 days from the date of issue of the invoice (except for specific regulations in terms of payment terms...”
Principales conditions de financement et modalités de paiement et/ou référence aux dispositions pertinentes qui les régissent
Financing from own resources. Payment within 49 days from the date of issue of the invoice (except for specific regulations in terms of payment terms relating to the activity).
Afficher plus
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché:
“In the context of this tender, candidates may submit several bids acting as members of
as members of several groups. However, the same economic operator may...”
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché
In the context of this tender, candidates may submit several bids acting as members of
as members of several groups. However, the same economic operator may not
be the representative of more than one grouping for the same procurement.
RTE reserves the right to ask the grouping to be transformed into a joint venture or with a joint representative when the contract is awarded, insofar as this transformation is necessary for the proper performance of the contract.
In the case of an application by a grouping, all the documents requested in III.1.1) to III.1.3) must be supplied by each of its members.
Except in the cases provided for in Article R.2142-26 of the Public Procurement Code, the composition of the grouping applying for a call for competition may not be changed between the date of submission of applications and the date of signature of the contract.
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable
Informations sur un accord-cadre ou un système d'acquisition dynamique
Accord-cadre avec un seul opérateur
Informations sur la réduction du nombre de solutions ou d'offres au cours de la négociation ou du dialogue
Recours à une procédure par étapes pour réduire progressivement le nombre de solutions à discuter ou d'offres à négocier
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2023-07-24
14:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 12
Informations complémentaires Informations sur les flux de travail électroniques
Les commandes électroniques seront utilisées
La facturation électronique sera acceptée
Organe de révision
Nom: Tribunal judiciaire de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠 Procédure d'examen
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen:
“Pre-contractual referral provided for in Articles 5 et seq. of Ordinance No. 2009-515 of 7 May 2009 on the review procedures applicable to public...”
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen
Pre-contractual referral provided for in Articles 5 et seq. of Ordinance No. 2009-515 of 7 May 2009 on the review procedures applicable to public procurement contracts. The appeal must be lodged before the contract is concluded.
Contractual referral provided for in Articles 11 et seq. of Ordinance No. 2009-515 of 7 May 2009 on the review procedures applicable to public procurement contracts.
The appeal must be lodged at the latest on the thirty-first day following the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union of the contract award notice or, for contracts based on a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system, following the notification of the conclusion of the contract.
In the absence of publication of the notice or notification, the court may be seised until the expiry of a period of six months from the day following the day of conclusion of the contract pursuant to Article 1441-3 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
Afficher plus Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Tribunal judiciaire de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠
Source: OJS 2023/S 121-382367 (2023-06-22)