Liste et brève description des conditions
List and brief description of conditions:
The applicant must send with his application for participation:
- applicant established in France:
-- an extract of the registration in the trade and company register (K bis form), or an identification card proving
registration in the trade register (original or copy) dating from less than three months before the deadline for
reply; or a receipt for the declaration filed with a centre for business formalities for legal entities or individuals in
the process of registration;
- applicant established outside France:
-- a document issued by the authorities holding the professional register or an equivalent document certifying
this registration or, for companies in the process of being set up, a document dated less than three months
from the authority authorised to receive the entry in the professional register and certifying the application for
registration in the said register;
-- a document mentioning its identity and address or, where appropriate, the details of its fiscal representative in
- for all candidates:
-- a dated and signed declaration on honour justifying that it does not fall within any of the cases of prohibition of
tendering mentioned in Articles L. 2141-1 to L. 2141-5 of Order No. 2018-1074 of 26.11.2018 on the legislative
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part of the Public Order Code and that it is in order with regard to Articles L. 5212-1 to L. 5212-11 of the Labour
Code concerning the employment of disabled workers.
These are, without being exhaustive
- sentences handed down by a criminal judge relating to corruption in the broad sense, misappropriation of
funds, influence peddling, illegal taking of interest, fraud, breach of trust, forgery and use of forgeries, money
laundering, participation in a criminal association, for acts of terrorism, for drugs;
- failures to comply with social or fiscal obligations, established either by a judge or by the authorities
responsible for collecting taxes, contributions and social security payments, or by the labour inspection services
and similar bodies;
- statements of compulsory liquidation, bankruptcy or legal redress which do not justify the right to continue the
activities during the foreseeable period of performance of the public contract, recorded by the commercial court
- violation of the rules relating to the fight against illegal employment, recorded by the labour inspectorate and
similar services or reported by the latter to the representatives of the State.
In the event of legal redress, a copy of the judgment(s) handed down.
Candidate belonging to the EDF group or the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) group.
In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of Articles L. 111-10 et seq. of the Energy Code, a candidate
controlled directly or indirectly by a company in the EDF or CDC Group must produce in its application file a
statement indicating its capital link to the EDF or CDC Group.
These elements, produced in French, must be provided by individual candidates, by each member of a
candidate group and, where applicable, by the subcontractors presented