The ENFIN Team’s Mission (EDF Network of FINancing) is to provide support for the EDF SA Group's business lines in their innovative projects.
To exploit this environment, the EDF Group is seeking consultancy firms specialising in European projects and funds to provide assistance in the preparation of applications to the various European, national and regional institutions.
The support from these firms will enable the ENFIN network to be strengthened, by being able to pursue all existing opportunities for the Group.
The objective of the mission is to secure financing from the various European authorities for the EDF Group's projects.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2022-05-16.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2022-04-06.
Avis de marché (2022-04-06) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: EDF SA Group Purchasing Department — DOA IT PI — Consulting Group
Commune postale: Paris
Code postal: 75017
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Personne de contact:
“EDF SA Group Purchasing Department — DOA IT PI — Consulting Group - Mr Fabien BLONDEL”
Téléphone: +33 0761239926📞
Courrier électronique:📧
Région: France🏙️
Adresse du profil d'acheteur:🌏 Communication
L'accès aux documents d'appel d'offres est restreint
URL des documents:🌏
URL de participation:🌏
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Support of the activities provided by the Financing Team of the European Affairs Division for financing opportunities and applications”
Produits/services: Services de conseil en affaires et en gestion📦
Brève description:
“The ENFIN Team’s Mission (EDF Network of FINancing) is to provide support for the EDF SA Group's business lines in their innovative projects.
To exploit...”
Brève description
The ENFIN Team’s Mission (EDF Network of FINancing) is to provide support for the EDF SA Group's business lines in their innovative projects.
To exploit this environment, the EDF Group is seeking consultancy firms specialising in European projects and funds to provide assistance in the preparation of applications to the various European, national and regional institutions.
The support from these firms will enable the ENFIN network to be strengthened, by being able to pursue all existing opportunities for the Group.
The objective of the mission is to secure financing from the various European authorities for the EDF Group's projects.
Afficher plus Informations sur les lots
Des offres peuvent être soumises pour tous les lots
Nombre maximal de lots pouvant être attribués à un soumissionnaire: 4
o Provide support to the ENFIN Team in organising and managing its activities;
o Provide sectoral inputs and identify key news;
o Strengthen the ENFIN Team’s skills by providing training on the evolution of European instruments;
o Assist the ENFIN Team in the monitoring and reporting of its existing roadmap.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 84
Informations sur les variantes
Les variantes sont acceptées ✅ Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options:
“The contract comprises a firm period of 5 years and two optional periods of one year each.
The duration of the contract mentioned in section II.2.7 includes...”
Description des options
The contract comprises a firm period of 5 years and two optional periods of one year each.
The duration of the contract mentioned in section II.2.7 includes the optional periods.
Afficher plus Description
Informations complémentaires:
“In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 25 missions for lot A....”
Informations complémentaires
In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 25 missions for lot A. This indication has no contractual value for EDF over the entire duration of the contract.
The maximum expected number of contractors for this lot is 20.
2️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Support in identifying funding and structuring projects (France)
Numéro d'identification du lot: B
Description du marché:
“o To provide support to EDF Group entities in identifying key topics that could be the subject of future projects (uses cases, new business models, etc.);
Description du marché
o To provide support to EDF Group entities in identifying key topics that could be the subject of future projects (uses cases, new business models, etc.);
o To provide input to the EDF Group's European innovation and financing roadmap;
o To support EDF's business and operational units in defining and structuring their project ideas;
o To identify calls for projects relevant to the ENFIN Team’s assignments published by European, national and regional authorities:
-> To prepare an Excel-type document for monitoring these calls updated on a bi-monthly basis listing the calls for projects and their main characteristics as well as examples of projects that may have won some of them (identification of the project partner(s) and activity(ies);
o To identify/detect collaborative projects in which EDF's participation could be promoted:
-> To promote EDF's participation in projects in which the Consultant firm is involved, if possible.
Afficher plus
Informations complémentaires:
“In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot B....”
Informations complémentaires
In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot B. This indication has no contractual value for EDF over the entire duration of the contract.
The maximum expected number of contractors for this lot is 20.
3️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
“Technical assistance for European financing applications for specific projects (France)” Titre
Numéro d'identification du lot: C
Description du marché:
“o To guide EDF towards the most relevant European instruments for the targeted project;
o To provide technical expertise on European funding (finance,...”
Description du marché
o To guide EDF towards the most relevant European instruments for the targeted project;
o To provide technical expertise on European funding (finance, economics, structuring, administration, strategy…);
o To provide support for the drafting of applications.
Afficher plus
Informations complémentaires:
“In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot C....”
Informations complémentaires
In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot C. This indication has no contractual value for EDF over the entire duration of the contract.
The maximum expected number of contractors for this lot is 20.
4️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
Titre: European and international activities
Numéro d'identification du lot: D
Lieu d'exécution: Österreich 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Belgique/België 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: България 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Κύπρος 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Česko 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Deutschland 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Danmark 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Eesti 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Ελλάδα 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: España 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Suomi/Finland 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Hrvatska 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Magyarország 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Éire/Ireland 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Italia 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Liechtenstein 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Lietuva 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Luxembourg 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Latvija 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Malta 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Nederland 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Polska 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Portugal 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: România 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Sverige 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Slovenija 🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: Slovensko 🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution:
“EDF sites and projects located within the European Union and internationally, except France.”
Description du marché:
“D1. Management, monitoring, training (EU and international)
Supporting the ENFIN Team in its day-to-day/general activities outside France (EU and...”
Description du marché
D1. Management, monitoring, training (EU and international)
Supporting the ENFIN Team in its day-to-day/general activities outside France (EU and international).
• Provide support to the ENFIN Team in organising and managing its activities;
• Provide sectoral inputs and identify key news;
• Strengthen the ENFIN Team’s skills by providing training on the evolution of European instruments;
• Assist the ENFIN Team in the monitoring and reporting of its existing roadmap.
D2. Support in identifying funding and structuring projects (EU and international)
Supporting the ENFIN Team in its funding-related activities outside France (EU and international).
• To provide support to EDF Group entities in identifying key topics that could be the subject of future projects (uses cases, new business models, etc.);
• To provide input to the EDF Group's European innovation and financing roadmap;
• To support EDF's business and operational units in defining and structuring their project ideas;
• To identify calls for projects relevant to the ENFIN Team’s assignments published by European, national and regional authorities:
o To prepare an Excel-type document for monitoring these calls updated on a bi-monthly basis listing the calls for projects and their main characteristics as well as examples of projects that may have won some of them (identification of the project partner(s) and activity(ies);
• To identify/detect collaborative projects in which EDF's participation could be promoted:
o To promote EDF's participation in projects in which the Consultant firm is involved, if possible.
D3. Technical assistance for European financing applications for specific projects (EU and international)
Supporting the ENFIN Team during the application process for specific projects located outside France (EU and international).
• To guide EDF towards the most relevant European instruments for the targeted project;
• To provide technical expertise on European funding (finance, economics, structuring, administration, strategy…);
• To provide support for the drafting of applications.
Afficher plus
Informations complémentaires:
“In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot D....”
Informations complémentaires
In accordance with Article R. 2162-4 of the Public Order Code, the maximum volume of the contract for all contractors combined is 150 missions for lot D. This indication has no contractual value for EDF over the entire duration of the contract.
The maximum expected number of contractors for this lot is 40.
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“The candidate must provide a declaration on honour certifying that it does not fall within the scope of any cases mentioned in Articles L. 2141-1 to L....”
Liste et brève description des conditions
The candidate must provide a declaration on honour certifying that it does not fall within the scope of any cases mentioned in Articles L. 2141-1 to L. 2141-5 and L. 2141-7 to L. 2141-11 of the French Public Procurement Code , and in particular that it complies with the obligations concerning the employment of disabled workers defined in Articles L. 5212-1 to L. 5212-11 of the French Labour Code. This declaration is to be provided by the individual candidates, each member of a candidate temporary company grouping and, where applicable, the presented subcontractors.
The candidate must provide an extract from the relevant register, such as a K bis [company registration certificate] or, failing that, an equivalent document enabling a candidate to be identified. This document is to be supplied by the individual candidates and by each member of a candidate temporary company grouping.
Afficher plus Situation économique et financière
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“_ Candidature submitted before the reception date and time of the tender notice (eliminatory)
_ Information completed in the tender notice (eliminatory)
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
_ Candidature submitted before the reception date and time of the tender notice (eliminatory)
_ Information completed in the tender notice (eliminatory)
_ Declaration on honour, dated and signed, certifying that it does not fall within
the scope of any cases for which bidding is prohibited as listed in articles L. 2141-1 to L. 2141-5 and L. 2141-7 to L. 2141-11 of the French Public Procurement Code. This declaration is to be provided by the individual candidates, each member of a candidate temporary company grouping and, where applicable, the presented subcontractors (eliminatory)
_ Company registration certificate from less than three months ago or KBIS (not eliminatory)
_ Most recent balance sheet and income statement (most recent financial years) provided with their appendices if necessary (eliminatory)
Afficher plus Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“The candidate shall indicate the average reported rate of success for each relevant grant fund and have filed an application during the period 2014–2020....”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
The candidate shall indicate the average reported rate of success for each relevant grant fund and have filed an application during the period 2014–2020. The number of applications filed for each fund must also be indicated (not eliminatory).
_ The candidate must provide proof that it has a portfolio of grant application files being processed or filed with the European Commission and other authorities managing European funds. Indicate the number of files being processed or filed (eliminatory).
_ Lot A and D: The candidate must describe the monitoring and management tools that may be deployed to assist ENFIN (eliminatory for lots A and D).
_ Lot B and D: The candidate must detail the constitution of the firm's pool of consultants by professional qualifications and by experience; please indicate the respective percentages (eliminatory for lots B and D)
_ Lot B and D: The candidate must detail the methodology it will use to provide support for the application projects and the organisation it will implement to ensure the effectiveness of its support and the success of the projects (eliminatory for lots B and D).
_ Lot C and D: The candidate must describe the methodology used and implemented for in-depth monitoring of the grant systems and to provide support for the ENFIN system (eliminatory for lots C and D).
_ Lot C and D: The candidate must detail the constitution of the firm's pool of consultants by professional qualifications and by experience; please indicate the respective percentages (eliminatory for lots C and D).
Afficher plus Conditions de participation
Principales conditions de financement et modalités de paiement et/ou référence aux dispositions pertinentes qui les régissent:
“Financing from own resources. Payment 60 days after the date of issue of the invoice and instalment payments corresponding to the services performed”
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché:
“EDF accepts joint-liability-only or joint-and-several-liability temporary company grouping. In the case of a temporary company grouping, one of the...”
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché
EDF accepts joint-liability-only or joint-and-several-liability temporary company grouping. In the case of a temporary company grouping, one of the temporary company grouping members is designated as lead company. It is jointly and severally liable, for the performance of the agreement, with each of the members of the temporary company grouping concerning its contractual obligation with regard to EDF.
Without prejudice to Article L. 2141-13 of the French Public Procurement Code, the composition of temporary company grouping cannot be changed between the submission date of the candidatures and the date of signing of the agreement, except in the event of a company restructuring operation or if the temporary company grouping provides proof that one of its members is unable to perform its task for reasons which are not of its own making.
Furthermore, a tenderer which bids as part of a temporary company grouping cannot submit a bid as an individual or as part of another grouping.
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable
Informations sur un accord-cadre ou un système d'acquisition dynamique
Accord-cadre avec plusieurs opérateurs
Nombre maximal envisagé de participants à l'accord-cadre: 100
Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2021/S 107-283071
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2022-05-16
14:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français 🗣️
“To respond to this tender notice, the candidates must express interest on the EDF Purchasing Portal - Request for information no. RFx_107253 - and attach...”
To respond to this tender notice, the candidates must express interest on the EDF Purchasing Portal - Request for information no. RFx_107253 - and attach the documents requested to this tender notice.
Interested candidates that are not yet registered will register their details via the Purchasing Portal home page on the site using the link placed in the box "New Supplier? Register"
A document with the title "Identification of the members of the consortium and allocation of the services" is available in the collaborative area for suppliers on the Purchasing Portal.
Tendering will be by e-tendering through EDF's electronic Purchasing Portal (
EDF reserves the right to award the agreement based on the initial bids without negotiation.
In the framework of the dematerialisation of its procedures, EDF SA informs all the tenderers that the electronic signing of agreements is favoured, whether these are awarded to a single company or to a temporary company grouping.
Afficher plus Organe de révision
Nom: Paris Judicial Tribunal
Adresse postale: Parvis of Paris Tribunal
Commune postale: Paris Cedex 17
Code postal: 75859
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 144325151📞
URL:🌏 Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Registry of Paris Judicial Tribunal
Adresse postale: Parvis of Paris Tribunal
Commune postale: Paris Cedex 17
Code postal: 75859
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 144325151📞
Source: OJS 2022/S 071-190739 (2022-04-06)
Informations complémentaires (2022-04-27)
Informations complémentaires Référence de l'avis original
Numéro de l'avis au JO S: 2022/S 071-190739
Changements Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.2
Ancienne valeur
Date: 2022-05-16 📅
L'heure: 14:00
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2022-05-24 📅
L'heure: 14:00
Source: OJS 2022/S 085-231365 (2022-04-27)
Avis d'attribution de marché (2023-02-10) Objet Informations sur les lots
Ce contrat est divisé en lots ✅
Procédure Informations sur l'accord-cadre
La passation de marché implique l'établissement d'un accord-cadre
Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2022/S 071-190739
Attribution du marché
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067850
Numéro d'identification du lot: A
Titre: Management, monitoring, training (France)
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-02-01 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067860
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-03 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067870
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-06 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067880
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-24 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067890
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067900
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067910
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-05 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067920
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067930
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067940
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-02-08 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067950
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-09 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067960
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-10 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067970
Numéro d'identification du lot: B
Titre: Support in identifying funding and structuring projects (France)
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067980
Numéro de contrat: C4T1067990
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068000
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068010
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068020
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068030
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068040
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068050
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068060
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068070
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068080
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068090
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068100
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-04 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068110
Numéro d'identification du lot: C
“Technical assistance for European financing applications for specific projects (France)”
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068120
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068130
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068140
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-12 📅
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068150
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068160
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068170
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068180
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068190
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068200
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068210
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068220
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068230
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068240
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068250
Numéro d'identification du lot: D
Titre: European and international activities
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068260
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068270
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068280
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068290
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068300
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068310
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068320
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068330
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068340
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068350
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068360
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068370
Numéro de contrat: C4T1068380
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2023-01-11 📅
Source: OJS 2023/S 033-096517 (2023-02-10)