Technical Assistance for THE Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Implementation of the Shifa Project
The overall objective of the assignment is to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Turkey to achieve the specific SHIFA Project objectives. The specific objectives of this assignment are twofold. Firstly, to establish and manage a monitoring system for the project, to manage the project risk management system as well as to provide the necessary reporting on the Monitoring Management and Information System (MMIS) and risk management. The second objective is to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Turkey by developing implementation manuals, designing services, providing supervision for the construction and rehabilitation works and providing procurement support for the works and medical equipment, maternal and hygiene kits.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2021-05-31.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2021-05-03.
Les fournisseurs suivants sont mentionnés dans les décisions d'attribution ou dans d'autres documents relatifs aux marchés publics :
Avis de marché (2021-05-03) Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Base juridique
“Guidelines on the Internal Procurement of Services, Supplies and Works by the Council of Europe Bank.”
Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: Council of Europe Development Bank
Commune postale: Paris
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Personne de contact: Procurement Division
Courrier électronique:📧
Région: Paris🏙️
URL:🌏 Communication
L'accès aux documents d'appel d'offres est restreint
URL des documents:🌏
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Technical Assistance for THE Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the...”
Technical Assistance for THE Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Implementation of the Shifa Project
Afficher plus
Produits/services: Services d'assistance technique📦
Brève description:
“The overall objective of the assignment is to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Turkey to achieve the specific SHIFA Project objectives. The...”
Brève description
The overall objective of the assignment is to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Turkey to achieve the specific SHIFA Project objectives. The specific objectives of this assignment are twofold. Firstly, to establish and manage a monitoring system for the project, to manage the project risk management system as well as to provide the necessary reporting on the Monitoring Management and Information System (MMIS) and risk management. The second objective is to provide support to the Ministry of Health in Turkey by developing implementation manuals, designing services, providing supervision for the construction and rehabilitation works and providing procurement support for the works and medical equipment, maternal and hygiene kits.
Afficher plus
Valeur estimée hors TVA: EUR 4 000 000 💰
Informations sur les lots
Les offres ne peuvent porter que sur un seul lot
1️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
“Technical Assistance for the Provision of Capacity Building Measures to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Shifa Project” Titre
Numéro d'identification du lot: 1
Produits/services supplémentaires: Services d'assistance technique📦
Lieu d'exécution: Türkiye 🏙️
Description du marché:
“The scope of the contract for Lot 1 is strengthening the institutional capacities by providing support to the Ministry of Health and associated institutions...”
Description du marché
The scope of the contract for Lot 1 is strengthening the institutional capacities by providing support to the Ministry of Health and associated institutions with the implementation of the project. In particular, the purpose is to establish effective and efficient monitoring and reporting system to support the MoH in delivering the project results. The monitoring and reporting function of the project will have:
(i) an efficient system and process for gathering, analysing and reporting useful data to track progress; and
(ii) formal channel(s) for monitoring among key stakeholders to determine progress and success. It will assist the MoH to effectively manage the project risks by systematically identifying (early detection) project delivery risks within the various processes, systems and human activities, and developing risk amelioration responses.
The objectives for Lot 1:
(a) to establish effective and efficient monitoring and reporting system to support the MoH in delivering the project results;
(b) to assist the MoH to effectively manage the project risks by systematically identifying (early detection) project delivery risks within the various processes, systems and human activities, and developing risk amelioration responses;
(c) to provide capacity building measures, including the training need for the MoH and provinces.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Champ d'application du marché
Valeur totale estimée hors TVA: EUR 500 000 💰
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 38
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Ce contrat est susceptible d'être renouvelé ✅ Description
Description des renouvellements:
“The CEB reserves the option to extend the contract for new services consisting in a repetition of similar services as those included in the initial...”
Description des renouvellements
The CEB reserves the option to extend the contract for new services consisting in a repetition of similar services as those included in the initial contract. Should this be the case, the extension of the contract would be up to a maximum duration and amount equal to the original contract.
Afficher plus Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre de candidats envisagé: 6
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats:
“1) Turnover: minimum EUR 300 000/year over the last 3 years;
2) Pre-tax profit/loss: positive results at least 3 years over the last 5 years
3) Projects in...”
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats
1) Turnover: minimum EUR 300 000/year over the last 3 years;
2) Pre-tax profit/loss: positive results at least 3 years over the last 5 years
3) Projects in the fields related to this contract: minimum 5 projects in developing and managing monitoring systems over the last 7 years of a value of at least EUR 200 000 (value of services provided;
4) Monitoring services in countries of the Western Balkans and Turkey: minimum 10 monitoring services finalised during the last 7 years;
If more than 6 legal entities qualify then the relative strengths and weaknesses of the applications of these candidates must be re-examined to identify the six best applications for the tender procedure. The only factors which will be taken into consideration during this re-examination are (in order of precedence):
1) Experience: number of projects in developing and managing monitoring systems valid for sub-criterion 3 (projects in the fields related to this contract);
2) Experience: aggregated value of the valid project for sub-criterion 3.
Afficher plus Champ d'application du marché
Informations sur les fonds de l'Union européenne: Frit ii.
Informations complémentaires:
“This tender follows the rules for corporate procurement of the Council of Europe Development Bank.”
2️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
“Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Implementation of the Shifa Project” Titre
Numéro d'identification du lot: 2
Produits/services supplémentaires: Services de création architecturale📦
Produits/services supplémentaires: Supervision des travaux de construction📦
Description du marché:
“The scope of the contract for Lot 2 is the development of implementation manuals and building designs, provision of procurement support and the provision of...”
Description du marché
The scope of the contract for Lot 2 is the development of implementation manuals and building designs, provision of procurement support and the provision of supervision services for construction works and equipment/kits delivery. It shall include following five categories:
A. Development of implementation manuals;
B. Design services;
C. Procurement support;
D. Supervision services;
E. Provision of medical equipment, maternal and hygiene kits.
The objectives for Lot 2:
(a) to develop a set of template documents for design, procurement (tendering, evaluation, contracting) and supervision services, construction works and environmental and social safeguards, on the basis of the CEB guidelines, national and/or EU legislation and requirements, EU directives, national and applicable international best construction practices.
(b) to provide implementation documents to be used as guidelines during project implementation;
(c) to develop sustainable designs for future health facilities on the basis of the CEB, MoH and other relevant stakeholders’ instructions;
(d) to provide competent design services and to ensure that all surveys, designs, and technical specifications are developed in an economical, efficient and effective manner and in line with respective national regulations and/or international standards (if applicable) with very low impact on the environment and energy efficiency and reduced life cycle costs;
(e) to implement efficient and effective public procurement procedures in line with local legislation, CEB Guidelines and international best practices.
If To provide competent supervision services and to ensure that all works and equipment are performed, delivered and installed in accordance with design documents and respective national, and/or international standards (if applicable) with very low impact on the environment.
(g) to ensure that staff on construction sites follow all relevant regulations and procedures and understand their role and responsibilities;
(h) to ensure that all activities in the project conform with technical specifications and client requirements;
(i) to provide support for the purchasing and oversee the delivery of the needed medical equipment for E/MHCs and hospitals in order to improve the health status of the refugees and persons eligible for subsidiary protection;
(j) to provide support for the purchasing and oversee the delivery of the maternity and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable beneficiaries.
Afficher plus Champ d'application du marché
Valeur totale estimée hors TVA: EUR 3 500 000 💰
Durée de l'accord: 50
Description des renouvellements:
“The duration of overall consultancy assignment is estimated to approximately 38 months plus 12 months for the consultant services during the defect...”
Description des renouvellements
The duration of overall consultancy assignment is estimated to approximately 38 months plus 12 months for the consultant services during the defect notification period for the construction works contracts. The CEB reserves the option to extend the contract for new services consisting in a repetition of similar services as those included in the initial contract. Should this be the case, the extensi
Afficher plus Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats:
“Economic and financial criteria
1) Turnover: minimum EUR 3 000 000/year over the last 3 years;
2) Pre-tax profit/loss: positive results at least 3 years...”
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats
Economic and financial criteria
1) Turnover: minimum EUR 3 000 000/year over the last 3 years;
2) Pre-tax profit/loss: positive results at least 3 years over the last 5 years.
3) Projects in the fields related to this contract: minimum 4 designs of building construction projects over the last 10 years of a value of at least EUR 600 000 (value of services provided) and minimum 4 supervision of building construction projects over the last 10 years of a value of at least EUR 2 000 000 (value of services provided);
4) Design and supervision services in Turkey: minimum 7 design services for building construction in Turkey and minimum 7 supervision services in Turkey finalised during the last 7 years;
5) Projects related to procurement: minimum 1 project in the last 5 years where procurement strategies and documentation and procurement management systems constituted at least 25 % of the tasks.
It is expected that, based on the submissions of expressions of Interest, CEB will set up a shortlist of no more than 6 applicants. If more than 6 legal entities qualify then the relative strengths and weaknesses of the applications of these candidates must be re-examined to identify the six best applications for the tender procedure. The only factors which will be taken into consideration during this re-examination are (in order of precedence):
1) Experience: number of design and supervision valid for sub-criterion 3;
2) Experience: Aggregated value of the design and supervision projects valid for sub-criterion 3.
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Situation économique et financière
Critères de sélection énoncés dans les documents de passation de marchés
Capacité technique et professionnelle
Critères de sélection énoncés dans les documents de passation de marchés
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure restreinte
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2021-05-31
12:00 📅
Date estimée d'envoi des invitations à soumissionner ou à participer aux candidats sélectionnés: 2021-06-15 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 3
“Any interested bidder can request the expression of interest form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the expression of interest form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the expression of interest form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 21 May 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 26 May 2021, noon at the latest.
Afficher plus Organe de révision
Nom: Chief Compliance Officer
Commune postale: Paris
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Courrier électronique:📧 Procédure d'examen
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen:
“Procedures according to the Guidelines on the internal procurement of services, supplies and works by the CEB.”
Source: OJS 2021/S 089-231874 (2021-05-03)
Informations complémentaires (2021-05-20) Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Technical Assistance for the Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the...”
Technical Assistance for the Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Implementation of the Shifa Project
Informations complémentaires Référence de l'avis original
Numéro de l'avis au JO S: 2021/S 089-231874
Changements Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: VI.3)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Additional information:
Ancienne valeur
“Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the Expression of Interest form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 21 May 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 26 May 2021, noon at the latest.
Afficher plus Nouvelle valeur
“Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 1 June 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 1 June 2021, indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the Expression of Interest form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 4 June 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 9 June 2021, noon at the latest
Afficher plus Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.2)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Ancienne valeur
Date: 2021-05-31 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2021-06-14 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.3)
Emplacement du texte à modifier:
“Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates” Ancienne valeur
Date: 2021-06-15 📅
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2021-06-30 📅
Source: OJS 2021/S 099-262658 (2021-05-20)
Informations complémentaires (2021-06-03) Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Technical Assistance for the Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the...”
Technical Assistance for the Provision of Capacity Building Measures and Design and Supervision Services to the Ministry of Health in Turkey for the Implementation of the SHIFA Project
Changements Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: II.1.5)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Estimated total value
Ancienne valeur
Texte: 4000000
Nouvelle valeur
Texte: 3950000
Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: II.2.6)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Estimated value
Ancienne valeur
Texte: 3500000
Nouvelle valeur
Texte: 3450000
Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: VI.3)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Additional information:
Ancienne valeur
“Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the Expression of Interest form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 21 May 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 26 May 2021, noon at the latest.
Afficher plus Nouvelle valeur
“Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 8 June 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 8 June 2021, indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the Expression of Interest form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message ‘Technical Assistance for SHIFA’.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 11 June 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 16 June 2021, noon at the latest.
Afficher plus Texte à corriger dans l'avis original
Numéro de section: IV.2.2)
Emplacement du texte à modifier: Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
Ancienne valeur
Date: 2021-05-31 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Nouvelle valeur
Date: 2021-06-21 📅
L'heure: 12:00
Source: OJS 2021/S 109-288065 (2021-06-03)
Avis d'attribution de marché (2022-01-31) Objet Champ d'application du marché
Afficher plus
Valeur totale du marché (hors TVA): EUR 2 511 400 💰
Informations sur les lots
Ce contrat est divisé en lots ✅ Champ d'application du marché
Description du marché:
“The scope of the contract for Lot 1 is strengthening the institutional capacities by providing support to the Ministry of Health and associated institutions...”
Description du marché
The scope of the contract for Lot 1 is strengthening the institutional capacities by providing support to the Ministry of Health and associated institutions with the implementation of the project. In particular, the purpose is to establish effective and efficient monitoring and reporting system to support the MoH in delivering the project results. The monitoring and reporting function of the project will have: (i) an efficient system and process for gathering, analysing and reporting useful data to track progress and (ii) formal channel(s) for monitoring among key stakeholders to determine progress and success. It will assist the MoH to effectively manage the project risks by systematically identifying (early detection) project delivery risks within the various processes, systems and human activities, and developing risk amelioration responses.
The objectives for Lot 1:
a) To establish effective and efficient monitoring and reporting system to support the MoH in delivering the project results.
b) To assist the MoH to effectively manage the project risks by systematically identifying (early detection) project delivery risks within the various processes, systems and human activities, and developing risk amelioration responses.
c) To provide capacity building measures, including the training need for the MoH and provinces.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Critère de qualité (nom): Quality Criteria based on evaluation grid published with the Tender Dossier
Critère de qualité (pondération): 70
Prix (pondération): 30
Champ d'application du marché
Informations sur les fonds de l'Union européenne: Frit ii
Informations complémentaires:
“This tender follows the rules for corporate procurement of the Council of Europe Development Bank” Champ d'application du marché
Description du marché:
“The scope of the contract for Lot 2 is the development of implementation manuals and building designs, provision of procurement support and the provision of...”
Description du marché
The scope of the contract for Lot 2 is the development of implementation manuals and building designs, provision of procurement support and the provision of supervision services for construction works and equipment/kits delivery. It shall include following five categories:
A Development of implementation manuals
B Design services
C Procurement support
D Supervision services
E Provision of medical equipment, maternal and hygiene kits
The objectives for Lot 2:
a) To develop a set of template documents for design, procurement (tendering, evaluation, contracting) and supervision services, construction works and environmental and social safeguards, on the basis of the CEB guidelines, national and/or EU legislation and requirements, EU directives, national and applicable international best construction practices.
b) To provide implementation documents to be used as guidelines during project implementation.
c) To develop sustainable designs for future health facilities on the basis of the CEB, MoH and other relevant stakeholders’ instructions.
d) To provide competent design services and to ensure that all surveys, designs, and technical specifications are developed in an economical, efficient and effective manner and in line with respective national regulations and/or international standards (if applicable) with very low impact on the environment and energy efficiency and reduced life cycle costs.
e) To implement efficient and effective public procurement procedures in line with local legislation, CEB Guidelines and international best practices.
if To provide competent supervision services and to ensure that all works and equipment are performed, delivered and installed in accordance with design documents and respective national, and/or international standards (if applicable) with very low impact on the environment.
g) To ensure that staff on construction sites follow all relevant regulations and procedures and understand their role and responsibilities.
h) To ensure that all activities in the project conform with technical specifications and client requirements.
i) To provide support for the purchasing and oversee the delivery of the needed medical equipment for E/MHCs and hospitals in order to improve the health status of the refugees and persons eligible for subsidiary protection.
j) To provide support for the purchasing and oversee the delivery of the maternity and hygiene kits to the most vulnerable beneficiaries.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Critère de qualité (nom): Quality criteria according to evaluation grid published in Tender Dossier
Procédure Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2021/S 089-231874
Attribution du marché
Numéro d'identification du lot: 1
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2021-12-31 📅
Informations sur les appels d'offres
Nombre d'offres reçues: 4
Le contrat a été attribué à un groupe d'opérateurs économiques ✅ Nom et adresse du contractant
“BYS Grup Bilişim Sistemleri Danışmanlık Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Turkey & MIA Teknoloji A.Ş. Turkey”
Commune postale: Ankara
Pays: Turquie 🇹🇷
Région: Ankara 🏙️
Le contractant est une PME ✅
Le contractant est une PME
Information sur la valeur du contrat/lot (hors TVA)
Valeur totale estimée du contrat/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Valeur totale du contrat/lot: EUR 500 000 💰
Numéro de contrat: 2
Numéro d'identification du lot: 2
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2022-01-18 📅
Informations sur les appels d'offres
Nombre d'offres reçues: 6
Information sur la valeur du contrat/lot (hors TVA)
Valeur totale estimée du contrat/lot: EUR 3 500 000 💰
Valeur totale du contrat/lot: EUR 2 011 400 💰
“Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of...”
Any interested bidder can request the Expression of Interest Form requesting so at before 19 May 2021, indicating in the subject of their message “Technical Assistance for SHIFA”.
Any request coming after that date will not be responded to.
Tenderer may bid for only one lot; therefore, it can express interest for one lot only in the Expression of Interest Form. The member of consortium or JV that submitted an expression of interest for one lot cannot participate in consortium/JV or as an individual applicant for the other lot. If a company appears to be expressing interest for both lots, either as an individual applicant or consortium member, all such expressions of interest will be automatically disqualified.
Any potential bidders that would like to ask questions about this tender should do it in writing by email to, still indicating in the subject of their message “Technical Assistance for SHIFA”.
Any questions related to this tender should arrive by 21 May 2021, noon. The CEB has no obligation to provide clarifications to questions that would be submitted after this date.
The CEB will provide answers to the questions received until 26 May 2021, noon at the latest.
Afficher plus
Source: OJS 2022/S 025-064993 (2022-01-31)