Wind Offshore - Geotechnical and UXO Campaign

Eolien Maritime France (Subsidiary of EDF EN France)

The purpose of this scope is to achieve an offshore geotechnical campaign which will consists of Shallow penetration (typically 5m) tests and samplings (Cone Penetration Test (CPT), Vibrocorer ...), and Deep penetration (till to 50m) boreholes (Deep coring, CPT) and associated pre-investigation UXO clearance surveys.
Sites are located on French coasts: Courseulles sur Mer (Basse Normandie - Calvados), Fecamp (Haute Normandie - Seine Maritime) and Saint Nazaire (Pays de la Loire - Loire Atlantique).
Two sites only are concerned by the UXO survey: Courseulles sur Mer (Basse Normandie - Calvados) and Fecamp (Haute Normandie - Seine Maritime).

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2012-05-16. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2012-04-26.

Qui ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2012-04-26 Avis de marché
2013-04-05 Avis d'attribution de marché