Passation de marchés: Council of Europe - EDQM

7 marchés publics archivés

Récents marchés passés par Council of Europe - EDQM

2023-12-12   Supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) (Council of Europe - EDQM)
EDQM wishes to launch an International Public Call for Tenders for the supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) to be used as candidate materials for the establishment of Ph. Eur. Reference Standards. Voir la passation de marché »
2023-12-11   Purchase of pilot freeze-drier and associated services (Council of Europe - EDQM)
EDQM wishes to launch an International Public Call for Tenders for the pilot freeze-drier equipment and associated services. Voir la passation de marché »
2023-05-02   Supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) (Council of Europe - EDQM)
EDQM wishes to launch an International Public Call for Tenders for the supply of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) to be used as candidate materials for the establishment of Ph. Eur. Reference Standards. Voir la passation de marché »
2023-02-20   Provision of communication products and services (Council of Europe - EDQM)
EDQM wishes to launch an International Public Call for Tenders for the provision of communication products and services. The selected service provider shall provide the following services to EDQM: i. support in implementing and monitoring its key communication activities as defined in the communication strategy; and ii. provide ongoing support on an ad hoc basis covering various communication needs. Voir la passation de marché »
2022-09-27   Provision of consultancy services to review and suggest improvements to the EDQM’s costing and inventory valuation... (Council of Europe - EDQM)
The EDQM wishes to invite Tender Proposals from experienced advisory services companies to support a review of current costing and stock valuation processes and procedures and to identify adjustments and improvements to current processes and methods, allowing the EDQM to become leaner and more efficient while respecting IPSAS 12 and the Council of Europe rules for depreciation and costing. Voir la passation de marché »
2022-08-18   Provision of consultancy services for defining a new concept and layout for the EDQM 2022 annual report (Council of Europe - EDQM)
The Council of Europe - EDQM requires a new concept and layout for its 2022 annual report. In that context, it is looking for a Provider to define a new concept and layout for its 2022 annual report that will: - gather readers’/partners feedback via a survey to identify suitable contents/formats; - define a new, more agile and attractive format; - propose the ideal length, style, tone; and create a new layout; - propose a new approach/way of collecting internal contributions on EDQM activities/entities … Voir la passation de marché »
2021-09-09   Supply of rubber stoppers and aluminum crimp caps (Council of Europe - EDQM)
Supply of rubber stoppers and aluminum crimp caps to be used in the filling of European Pharmacopoeia reference standards. Voir la passation de marché »