Passation de marchés: APRIFEL

2 marchés publics archivés

Récents marchés passés par APRIFEL

2023-07-27   Promotion and Information campaign aimed 18-34 on healthy and sustainable food practices linked to daily consumption... (APRIFEL)
The programme should specifically address 18-34 years old and be sufficiently motivating to encourage them to consume more fruit and veg while being active and less sedentary. The action plan aims, via a promotional campaign, to provide them with useful information on their communication channels (including events) and to motivate them to “take action” in order to induce a sustainable change of behaviour. The purpose of these specifications is to respond to a new European call for tender submitted to the … Voir la passation de marché »
2023-02-14   Promotion and Information campaign aimed 18-34 on healthy and sustainable food practices linked to daily consumption... (APRIFEL)
The programme should specifically address 18-34 years old and be sufficiently motivating to encourage them to consume more fruit and veg while being active and less sedentary. The action plan aims, via a promotional campaign, to provide them with useful information on their communication channels (including events) and to motivate them to “take action” in order to induce a sustainable change of behaviour. The purpose of these specifications is to respond to a new European call for tender submitted to the … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: GULFSTREAM AND CO Occurrence TACTICS EUROPE