Feasibility study reference system ERTMS: digitalisation of CCS (control command and signalling) and migration to ERTMS

European Union Agency for Railways

The European Union Agency for Railways considers that it is necessary to launch the study hereafter, with the aim to get an overview of the overall situation of existing interlocking, block systems and traffic management systems, of their expected remaining useful life, of plans to replace/renew them, and of the ambitions of the railways in terms of functionality and architectures for their future CCS systems (excluding ERTMS). This will help the Agency in its strategic reflection to further improve the conditions for the ERTMS deployment, and on the evolution of the rest of the CCS system.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2017-09-21. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2017-08-01.

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Date Document
2017-08-01 Avis de marché
2017-11-14 Avis d'attribution de marché