Consulting mission in agribusiness in Lebanon
The selected Agribusiness Expert will be responsible for the design and the implementation of the Agribusiness value chain and clusters component of this programme. He/She is expected to provide coaching, to supervise local actors in project execution and to deliver capacity building services in all the value chain of stone fruit.
The Agribusiness expert will report directly to the Team Leader.
Key responsibilities:
— Responsible of the implementation of the component, which includes:
i. Transfer relevant know-how about agriculture upgrading based on the diagnostic approach;
ii. Provide needed coaching, training and team building activities for stone fruits producers, workers and stakeholders' staff through the TAT and the recruitment of external training;
iii. Prepare and or assist in drafting terms of references for recruiting short term consultants and concept note for conducting training events;
iv. Mobilize the resources of expertise required for short-term implementation activities;
v. Assist in providing technical and logistical organization of these missions, monitor their progress and keep track of reports;
vi. Control and monitor reports of short-term expertise;
— During the inception phase, he/she will carry out diagnostic surveys, design the specifications of the Component 1 Agribusiness value chain and clusters, and perform an in-depth assessment of the available funding sources for targeted MSMEs;
— Assist the Project Steering Committee in the setting up of the project and provide needed institutional building support in this regard.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2016-04-18.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2016-03-17.
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