Fournisseur: SOPEXA Australia Proprietary Ltd

Un marché public archivé

Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur SOPEXA Australia Proprietary Ltd est mentionné

2020-12-28   Information and Advertising Programme to Promote European Cheese in Australia 2022-2024 (CNIEL interprofession laitière française)
The purpose of this tender is to select an agency regarding the conception and implementation of an ‘Information and Advertising Programme to Promote European Cheese in Australia 2022-2024’. It will deliver a follow-up to previous cheese programmes in Australia. In addition, it will deliver new promotions and tracks based on the results of previous triennials. Objective 1: Inform about the essentiality and accessibility of European cheeses and in particular aim to increase the level of knowledge, improve … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: SOPEXA Australia Proprietary Ltd