Fournisseur: GOPA Com.

Un marché public archivé

Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur GOPA Com. est mentionné

2016-03-30   ERA 2016 06 OP Communication services (European Railway Agency)
2 lots; the following types of services are requested: Grouped in lot 1: 1) photography; 2) provision of audiovisual production and multimedia services; and 3) live video streaming services. Grouped in lot 2: a) provision of graphic design and desktop publishing; b) printing service; c) provision of consultancy services and strategic advice; and d) editorial support. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: GOPA Com. Intrasoft International Page In Extremis Page In Extremis Sprl Quorum Italia