Description du marché
The key responsibilities of the role include (but are not limited to):
Defining the MEAL strategy and tools
— provide strategic direction for the development and maintenance of MEAL systems and the roll-out of new initiatives,
— ensure that the MEAL strategy and system are in compliance with local policies, procedures, standards and strategic initiatives and EU MEAL and Reporting policies and guidance,
— ensure the consistency of indicators and tools across all partners, sectors, and programs as appropriate, maintaining a bank of key program indicators,
— develop and regularly update the MEAL operating manual, covering data collection tools, data flow maps and analysis plans for program quality and donor reporting,
— lead the development of project tracking, record keeping and filing methodologies for all activities,
— work with IT staff to maximise the value and utility of ICT4D in MEAL initiatives.
Improving Program Quality
A primary responsibility for the MEAL expert is to strengthen the capacity of staff to design, implement and utilise MEAL systems to improve program quality:
— take an active role in promoting implementation of the project’s MEAL policies and procedures,
— support project staff and partners to design and plan MEAL systems that meet project needs, enable responsiveness to both beneficiaries and donors, and ensure program quality,
— provide guidance to teams to effectively collect data, e.g. as part of field assessments, baseline, monitoring, mid-term and final evaluations, including:
— advising on data collection methodologies and sampling,
— developing or reviewing instruments for data collection,
— designing data management systems,
— advising on data entry needs and requirements,
— establishing mechanisms to effectively utilise local consultants,
— support staff and partners to analyse and report on data collected, including training in quantitative and/or qualitative analysis, as appropriate,
— work with staff and partners to develop information and communications technology (ICT)/management information systems which meet stakeholder information needs and streamline MEAL management,
— work with staff and partners to strengthen existing beneficiary accountability systems that meet stakeholder information needs and enable community engagement,
— champion use of MEAL data to revise project theory of change/assumptions and adapt project strategies, as needed, to ensure high quality programming,
— perform and take the lead using Data Quality Assessments (DQAs)
— help ensure integration of cross-sectoral priorities in MEAL, including gender, age and diversity analysis, stakeholder analysis, organisational capacity, protection mainstreaming, and disaster risk reduction,
— develop and maintain MEAL data base.
Supporting Program Growth and strengthening MEAL capacities
— design projects that ensure rigorous logic between activities, outputs, results; have a clear Theory of Change; and provide for robust accountability mechanisms,
— ensure MEAL policy and procedures’ requirements are addressed during the design phase of the project,
— advise on development of indicators and selection of methods that will ensure rigorous MEAL during project implementation,
— support design of field assessments to collect the information necessary for project design and strategy development,
— be familiar with and advise on integrating relevant donor MEAL requirements (e.g. EU),
— assist local beneficiaries in strengthening the capacity of both CRS and partner staff to implement and utilise MEAL systems to improve program quality, including on-site capacity building and distance coaching through reviews, emails and conversations which provide tools, resources, and practical advice in simple terms,
— support learning-to-action activities to systematically analyse data to promote adaptive management and to document and incorporate lessons learned into program design and implementation.