The Project coordinator is in charge of the overall management of the project (all components), to the achievement of identified results with Expertise France et the European Commission, representation of the project to the African and international partners in order to ensure political involvement leading to the smooth implementation of the project.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2018-09-27.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2018-08-27.
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Project Coordinator — Gulf of Guinea inter regional network (GOGIN)
Produits/services: Services de gestion de projets autres que pour les travaux de construction📦
Brève description:
“The Project coordinator is in charge of the overall management of the project (all components), to the achievement of identified results with Expertise...”
Brève description
The Project coordinator is in charge of the overall management of the project (all components), to the achievement of identified results with Expertise France et the European Commission, representation of the project to the African and international partners in order to ensure political involvement leading to the smooth implementation of the project.
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Valeur estimée hors TVA: EUR 230 000 💰
Lieu d'exécution: 00 🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution:
“Home-based – frequent missions to the field (Gulf of Guinea countries, Sao Tomé, Cape Verde, Belgium, Italy, England, Portugal, France...etc.)”
Description du marché:
“Main objectives:
— Propose to Expertise France strategical and technical orientations for the project and defend them to the European Commission,
Description du marché
Main objectives:
— Propose to Expertise France strategical and technical orientations for the project and defend them to the European Commission,
— Coordinate project’s teams in order to achieve expected results defined with Expertise France and the European Commission,
— Ensure representation of the project to the European partners (European Commission, European Union Delegations in Africa etc.), African partners (Governments of partner countries, regional organisations, and maritime centres) and international partners (USA, UK, Denmark, NATO, UNODC, INTERPOL...),
— Approve work plans for each component of the project,
— Organise and supervise GOGIN Advisory Committee,
— Represent the Project to the high-level events related to maritime security / State Action at sea,
— Prepare and animate dialogue process with the European Commission (reports, Steering Committee...).
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Champ d'application du marché
Valeur totale estimée hors TVA: EUR 230 000 💰
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 24
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Ce contrat est susceptible d'être renouvelé ✅ Description
Description des renouvellements:
“Initial duration of 6 months from the date of notification of the contract. It is renewable 3 times 6 months. The total duration of the contracts shall not...”
Description des renouvellements
Initial duration of 6 months from the date of notification of the contract. It is renewable 3 times 6 months. The total duration of the contracts shall not exceed 24 months.
Renewal is by tacit agreement and does not imply any modification of existing obligations. In case of non-renewal, Expertise France shall notify its decision at least two months before the end of the ongoing period.
Afficher plus Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre de candidats envisagé: 3
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats:
“1) Formation (10 points):
— Relevance of academic experience / training related to the field of maritime security (10 points).
2) Competence (75 points):
Critères objectifs de sélection du nombre limité de candidats
1) Formation (10 points):
— Relevance of academic experience / training related to the field of maritime security (10 points).
2) Competence (75 points):
— Relevance of experience in Team management (20 points),
— Relevance of experience in direction of projects (15 points),
— Relevance of operational competencies in public sector of maritime security and/or safety (20 points),
— International relations, in particular knowledge of West African context (issues faced by countries, economic development, insecurity stakes, sovereignty problematic etc) (10 points),
— Official representation in an international context: representing the project in regional or international fora, networking, public speaking (10 points).
3) Expériences professionnelles (15 points):
— Relevance of past experience related to the thematic of the project (10 points),
— Relevance of past experience in the region of Gulf of Guinea (5 points).
Afficher plus Champ d'application du marché
Informations sur les fonds de l'Union européenne: Gulf of Guinea inter regional network – GOGIN
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“Legal persons are not entitled to participate in this tender procedure or be awarded a contract if they are in any of the conditions mentioned in Article 45...”
Liste et brève description des conditions
Legal persons are not entitled to participate in this tender procedure or be awarded a contract if they are in any of the conditions mentioned in Article 45 and 48 of the French order n2015-899 of 23.7.2015.
The candidate must provide:
— a declaration of honour mentioning that he isn't subjected to a submission ban to public contracts detailled in article 45 and 48 of the hereabove regulation order, as provided in the application file, as provided in the application file,
— evidence of the company registration (legal personality of the expert),
— a resume (according to the template available at the following adress: in French.
Afficher plus
Conditions de participation (capacités techniques et professionnelles):
“— At least 7 years of experience in governance of maritime spaces,
— Minimum of 7 years operational functions within an administration in charge of maritime...”
Conditions de participation (capacités techniques et professionnelles)
— At least 7 years of experience in governance of maritime spaces,
— Minimum of 7 years operational functions within an administration in charge of maritime safety and security / State Action at Sea.
Afficher plus Informations sur le personnel chargé de l'exécution du contrat
Obligation d'indiquer les noms et les qualifications professionnelles du personnel affecté à l'exécution du contrat
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure concurrentielle avec négociation
Informations sur les négociations
Le pouvoir adjudicateur se réserve le droit d'attribuer le marché sur la base des offres initiales sans mener de négociations
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2018-09-27
11:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 3
“Applicable regulation: French Ordonnance n 2015-899 of 23.7.2015 and implementing Decree n 2016-360 of 25.3.2016 (articles 71 to 73).
The procedure will...”
Applicable regulation: French Ordonnance n 2015-899 of 23.7.2015 and implementing Decree n 2016-360 of 25.3.2016 (articles 71 to 73).
The procedure will take place in 2 stages. The candidate is invited to submit his expression of interest to the tender within the time limit indicated by the present notice at:
The content of your expression of interest for this phase:
1) Résume – Europass CV (in French);
2) Evidence of the company registration (legal personality of the expert);
3) Declaration of honour, as provided in the application file.
For the next step, unless a candidate express formerly his disagreement, the tendering period shall last at least 8 days. Shortlisted experts will then be invited to submit a technical and financial offer and to take part to an interview. Only experts who provided the documentation as set forth in section III will be assessed on the basis of their capacity to fulfil the tasks set out in this call for expressions of interest.
Only experts who provided the documentation as set forth in section III will be assessed on the basis of their capacity to fulfil the tasks set out in this call for expressions of interest.
Context of the project:
Reinforce maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea through support to development of maritime information sharing and to empowerment of national organisations in charge of State Action at Sea and transnational maritime centres.
Afficher plus Organe de révision
Nom: The Paris Administrative Court
Adresse postale: 7, rue de Jouy
Commune postale: Paris
Code postal: 75004
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Courrier électronique:📧 Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Registry of the Paris Administrative Court
Adresse postale: 7, rue de Jouy
Commune postale: Paris
Code postal: 75004
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Courrier électronique:📧
Source: OJS 2018/S 166-378666 (2018-08-27)