Description du marché
The employer’s requirement includes design, material procurement, supply, construction and commissioning works in a safe, orderly and secure way of all the following civil and structural works:
— setting out of works,
— foundations and walk access,
— excavation and backfilling of all cable trenches required for the electrical and monitoring underground network cables,
— grounding system and associated equipment,
— access track as needed for construction and O&M works,
— drainage systems required for performance of works and O&M,
— topographical survey as shown in the Appendix 2 — Drawings,
— zone clearing and leveling,
— MV Substation foundations and building,
— storage plant foundations and building,
— backup generator foundations.
Civil works for the energy storage and conversion zone, including platform and security area as shown in the Appendix 2 — Layout
— all tests required for civil works performance validation.
The employer’s requirement includes the design, supply, delivery, installation, cabling, connection, testing and commissioning of all electrical works as follows:
— MV Substation with MV and LV rooms, switchgears, metering, protections, MV/LV auxiliary transformer for the supply of plant auxiliary equipment, grounding and protection equipments. The auxiliary transformer shall supply all auxiliaries for the backup generator and the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS).
— Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) which shall include at least, stationary batteries and associated equipments and auxiliaries with associated MV transformer,
— Batteries Power Conversion System (PCS) which converts in both directions (charge and discharge) the energy coming in and out the batteries,
— the Battery Management System (BMS), SCADA system dedicated to the BESS and the batteries PCS,
— the Power Plant Controller (PPC) responsible for grid code compliance and plant performance by sending setpoints to the BMS and the Wind Farm Controller (WFC). The WFC shall be provided by the WTG supplier. More details can be found in chapter 8.1.
— The energy management system, responsible to maximize the production of the power plant by optimizing the charge and discharge of the batteries (option),
— substation SCADA system responsible for communication with grid operator RTU, handling LV\MV protections states, remote control of the protections,
— LV DC electrical connections with associated bays protection between the BESS and batteries PCS,
— electrical connection between PCS and BESS transformer, with associated kits, cable trays and cable protection,
— electrical connection between BESS transformer and the substation, with associated kits, cable trays and cable protection,
— backup generator with associated protections, MV transformer, auxiliaries, grounding,
— AC electrical network connections (LV and MV) with associated termination kits, cable trays and cable protection between the backup generator, the associated transformer and the substation,
— communication network, including especially optical fiber cables including joints, termination kits, cable trays and cable protection,
—— between the BESS and the batteries PCS if needed, and up to the SCADA room in the substation,
—— between each WTG and from WTG to the SCADA room in substation. The fiber optic and all related works should be compliant with the WTG supplier’s specifications,
—— between the backup generator and the SCADA room in the substation.
— AC underground electrical network cables with associated termination kits, cable trays and cable protection between WTG transformers and the substation.