Description du marché
Under the supervision and guidance of Expertise France and the project coordinator, the financial intelligence expert will be responsible for the identification of needs and opportunities related to the objective and expected results of this project and will have responsibility for the overall steering of the work and activities in her/his field. Notably, she/he will:
— participate in the inception phase of the project and in the formulation of the work plan,
— design, develop, steer and adjust, when necessary, activities related to her/his field,
— provide technical assistance, training and capacity building activity in her/his field,
— ensure quality control and appropriate implementation of the activities under her/his responsibility,
— draft ToRs and involve short-term experts where appropriate and in coordination with Expertise France,
— network with relevant stakeholders in partner countries and maintain a closed working relationship with local administrations, and relevant regional and international organisations,
— ensure regular high-quality reporting on project activities,
— draft, in collaboration with other experts mission reports, the annual progress report and the final report,
— perform any other task requested by Expertise France.
— to participate in the inception phase of the project and in the formulation of the work plan,
— to design, develop, steer and adjust, when necessary, activities related to her/his field,
— to provide technical assistance, training and capacity building activity in her/his field,
— to ensure quality control and appropriate implementation of the activities under her/his responsibility,
— to draft ToRs and involve short-term experts where appropriate and in coordination with Expertise France,
— to network with relevant stakeholders in partner countries and maintain a closed working relationship with local administrations, and relevant regional and international organisations,
— to ensure regular high-quality reporting on project activities,
— to draft, in collaboration with other experts mission reports, the annual progress report and the final report,
— to perform any other task requested by Expertise France.
Inception phase:
To contribute to the inception report notably in relation to:
— mapping of existing initiatives and stakeholders in the region in relation to AML/CFT,
— needs assessment at GIABA and member states level in relation to AML/CFT,
— analysis of the working relationship between GIABA and member states,
— work plan, including strategy and methodology to adopt and the list of activities to be implemented.
Implementation phase:
— periodic reports as per the methodology developed during the inception phase,
— missions reports as per the methodology developed during the inception phase,
— final report as per the methodology developed during the inception phase,
— any additional deliverables determined during the inception phase requested by Expertise France in relation to this project.