Floating Lidar solution for wind measurement. Process to apply for the publication of supplement: This application is carried out on line (e-tendering) via the -portail achats EDF-. The -portail achats EDF- registration is free at the following address : http//portail-achat.edf.com For the non registered company, go to the section -Faites vous connaître- then -Debuter mon enregistrement- If you meet some problem you have the possibility to contact Bravo Solution, custumers's center : — by phone : 0 811 906 438 Monday to friday from 09:00am to 07:00 pm; — by email : edf-achats@bravosolution.fr After registration, acces to the request to information n°56198. Apply directly on it

EDF – Domaine Achats Tertiaires Prestations

The purpose of the product is to measure the wind characteristics on the site of an offshore wind power plant.
The product will be dedicated to be placed at sea, subject to harsh environment.
The system shall be autonomous, locally unmanned operated (except for maintenance).
The system shall be composed of a proven measurement system located on a moored floating structure.
The measurement system will be based on laser remote sensing technology (also called Lidar).
The measurement system shall be capable of recording data at heights at least between 40m to 200m on a 10 minutes average basis.
Data measured shall be at least temperature, wind direction and wind speed.
The accuracy of the system shall be similar to the one of an offshore met mast.
The market comprises:
— Studies,
— Manufacturing,
— Supply,
— Commissioning,
— Installation,
— Operation and maintenance,
— Data collection.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2013-09-16. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2013-08-13.

Qui ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2013-08-13 Avis de marché