Fournisseur: SOOPS Investment BV

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Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur SOOPS Investment BV est mentionné

2016-08-01   TERRE (Trans European Replacement Reserve Exchange) Central Platform (RTE réseau de transport d'électricité)
TERRE is a pilot project set by ENTSO-E for cross-border exchanges of balancing reserves between Transmission System Operators (TSOs). It is one among several initiatives to implement the Electricity Balancing Guideline (network code). 6 European TSOs are directly involved as partners: National Grid (GB), REE (Spain), REN (Portugal), RTE (France), Swiss Grid (Switzerland) and TERNA (Italy). A 7th, ADMIE (Greece), acts as observer. The short term objective of the TERRE platform is to support exchange of … Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Accenture SAS Artelys SAS JV Epex-soops BV Soops BV SOOPS Investment BV Unicorn System SAS