Fournisseur: Proxion Plan Oy

Un marché public archivé

Proxion Plan Oy est historiquement un fournisseur de services d'enseignement et de formation et services de formation.
Historiquement, les soumissionnaires concurrents ont été Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani et e-Mentor.

Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur Proxion Plan Oy est mentionné

2022-03-02   Development of Training Products for the EU Agency for Railways Knowledge Hub (European Union Agency for Railways (ERA))
The subject of this call for tenders is ‘Development of training products for the EU Agency for Railways Knowledge Hub’. The purchase consists of the provision of the following services/deliverables: development of training materials – for the participants; development of training-related documentation – for the trainer; technical advice and support. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani e-Mentor Proxion Plan Oy