Fournisseur: GIE GMM 73

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Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur GIE GMM 73 est mentionné

2020-11-29   Work on Managing and Using Excavated Materials on the French Side of the Cross-border section of the Lyon-Turin... (Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin SAS)
TELT company is the public developer in charge of building and managing the cross-border section of the the new Lyon-Turin railway link project. An approximately 50-km-long tunnel will be built for this section on the French side. The work concerned by this operational construction site (CO11) is for the management and use of excavated materials, in particular as aggregates for concrete and as backfill materials. For this, excavated materials must be characterised, classified, stored, transported and … Voir la passation de marché »
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