Passation de marchés: International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL

17 marchés publics archivés

Récents marchés passés par International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL

2023-08-16   Provision of HEAT Training (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Provision of HEAT training (Hostile Environment Awareness Training) Voir la passation de marché »
2023-07-12   Venue for Heads of NCB Conference - 2024 (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Selection of venue to host the 19th Heads of NCB Conference 2024 in Lyon (France) Voir la passation de marché »
2023-05-31   AOO Nettoyage des locaux d'INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Prestation de nettoyage des locaux d'INTERPOL et prestations multiservices Voir la passation de marché »
Fourniture de matériel pour mise en oeuvre d'un plateau technique de révélation de trace papillaire Materiel necessaireà la constatation de scène de crime matériel necessaire pour la signalisation de personne Voir la passation de marché »
2023-01-23   Provision of a Knowledge Management System (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
STADIA Knowledge Management System, a web-based system that will have two core components: -A knowledge repository of best practices of security in major sporting events, that all INTERPOL member countries could contribute to and benefit from; -An online networking and collaborative platform for experts in this field to share, discuss, publish and analyse the evolving aspects of major sporting event security. Voir la passation de marché »
2022-12-28   6530 - Case Management System (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Design, provision, configuration, integration and maintenance of a case management system Voir la passation de marché »
2022-06-07   IT Services Management Solution (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Provision of IT services management solution as further described in the Technical Specifications Voir la passation de marché »
2022-05-10   HORTICULTURAL SERVICES AT IGCI IN SINGAPORE (International Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL)
Horticultural Services at INTERPOLGlobal Complex for Innovation in Singapore Voir la passation de marché »