Passation de marchés: EDF S.A., and NNB, a British company affiliated, mandating EDF S.A. to act in its own name and its behalf.

Un marché public archivé

EDF S.A., and NNB, a British company affiliated, mandating EDF S.A. to act in its own name and its behalf. a toujours été un acheteur de machines industrielles, matériel de levage et de manutention et pièces détachées et matériel de levage et de manutention.

Récents marchés passés par EDF S.A., and NNB, a British company affiliated, mandating EDF S.A. to act in its own name and its behalf.

2011-01-04   One contract per lot: 1) UK 2621 (UK lot): studies, supply, manufacturing, test, transport, erection and... (EDF S.A., and NNB, a British company affiliated, mandating EDF S.A. to act in its own name and its behalf.)
The SFCTF includes 2 parts: — The fixed equipments: rails and lateral guiding rails, docking flange of the penetration, biological lid handling station, manoeuvring system for the upper cover of the penetration, — The mobile part: the spent fuel cask transfer machine (trolley). There is 1 contract per lot: 1) UK 2621 (UK lot) studies, supply, manufacturing, test, transport, erection and commissioning of spent fuel cask transfer facility (SFCTF), for: — Hinckley Point nuclear power plant, 2 units are firm … Voir la passation de marché »