Supply transportation installation and O&M of a windfarm in the city of Sainte Rose located in the tropical island of La Réunion (French Territory).
The windfarm is made of 23 turbines of 275 kW each with 32 m of rotor diameter and a hub height of 60 m with a total power of 6 325 MW. The repowered wind farm should be made of 4 WTG with a maximum of 130 m, 100 m of rotor diameter, 80 m of hub height and a power comprised between 2 and 3.5 MW. The supply and the O&M of a generator is part of the base scope.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2020-05-28.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2020-04-27.
Objet Champ d'application du marché
“Supply Transportation Installation and O&M of 4 WTGs and of a Generator for a Repowered Windfarm in La Réunion
Produits/services: Turbines éoliennes📦
Brève description:
“Supply transportation installation and O&M of a windfarm in the city of Sainte Rose located in the tropical island of La Réunion (French Territory).
Brève description
Supply transportation installation and O&M of a windfarm in the city of Sainte Rose located in the tropical island of La Réunion (French Territory).
The windfarm is made of 23 turbines of 275 kW each with 32 m of rotor diameter and a hub height of 60 m with a total power of 6 325 MW. The repowered wind farm should be made of 4 WTG with a maximum of 130 m, 100 m of rotor diameter, 80 m of hub height and a power comprised between 2 and 3.5 MW. The supply and the O&M of a generator is part of the base scope.
Afficher plus Informations sur les lots
Des offres peuvent être soumises pour tous les lots
Champ d'application du marché
Le pouvoir adjudicateur se réserve le droit d'attribuer des marchés combinant les lots ou groupes de lots suivants: The tenderes will have to reply to both lots.
1️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Wind Turbine
Numéro d'identification du lot: 1
Produits/services supplémentaires: Turbines éoliennes📦
Lieu d'exécution: La Réunion🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution: Municipality of Sainte Rose.
Description du marché:
“Transport supply installation of 4 WTG with a maximum of 130 m, 100 m of rotor diameter, 80 m of hub height and a power comprised between 2 and 3.5 MW.” Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée de l'accord
Date de début: 2021-01-10 📅
Date de fin: 2022-08-31 📅
Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre minimum envisagé: 1
Nombre maximum: 10
Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options:
“O&M from year 1 to year 15 is part of the base scope
Option No 1: O&M from year 16 to year 20;
Option No 2: O&M from year 21 to year 25.”
2️⃣ Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Generator
Numéro d'identification du lot: 2
Produits/services supplémentaires: Groupes électrogènes📦
Description du marché: Supply transportation installation and long term O&M of a generator.
Informations sur les options
Description des options:
“O&M for 15-year is part of the base scope
Option 1: O&M from year 16 to year 20;
Option 2: O&M from year 21 to year 25.”
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
The candidate must provide a sworn statement to justify it does not fall under...”
Liste et brève description des conditions
See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
The candidate must provide a sworn statement to justify it does not fall under any of the cases mentionned in Articles L.2141-1 to L. 2141-5 and L2141-7 to L.2141-11 of the Public Order Code (‘Code de la Commande Publique’), in particular that it satisfies the obligations regarding the employment of disabled workers defined in Articles L. 5212-1 to L. 5212-11 of the French Labour Code.
Afficher plus Situation économique et financière
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
Main requirements:
— The company must justify an average turnover at least...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
Main requirements:
— The company must justify an average turnover at least equivalent to 2 times the estimation of the contract subject to this contract notice on the last past 3 years (financial statements and a rating through an independant agency shall be provided).
— The candidate shall show that it:
1) is not bankrupt or in the course of being wound up, that their business is not being administered by the courts or any person appointed by the courts for that purpose, has not entered into an arrangement with its creditors, has not suspended business activities or is not in any analogous situation arising form a similar procedure under national laws and regulations;
2) is not subject to proceedings for a declaration of bankruptcy or for an order for compulsory winding up or administration by the court or for an arrangement with creditors or of any similar proceedings under national laws or regulations.
— The candidate shall prove it has valid liability insurance.
Afficher plus Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
Main requirements:
— the candidate shall demonstrate having implemented,...”
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection
See RFI-085577 on for complete and detailed description.
Main requirements:
— the candidate shall demonstrate having implemented, licensed and maintained a quality management system according to the standard EN ISO9001, or other equivalent systems of quality management;
— the candidate shall demonstrate having implemented, licensed and maintained an environmental management system according to the standard ISO14001, or other equivalent systems of environmental management;
— the candidate shall demonstrate having implemented, licensed and maintained a health and security management systems according to a) OHSAS 18001, or (alternatively) b) MASE, or (alternatively) c) VCA or (alternatively) d) ILOSH — or other equivalent systems of health and security management;
— the candidate certifies to have in-house human resources capable to communicate, write and work in English and/or French language in the field of supply operation and maintenance of WTGs and generators;
— the candidate shall demonstrate their capacity to:
Supply wind turbines and a generator able to perform under cyclonic and seismic conditions
Manage the transportation and installation of these turbines and generator in a tropical island with strong logistic constraints (slopes up to 20 %)
And that they will be able to maintain and operate these turbines.
— the candidate shall justify their ability to intervene on site within 2 hours,
— the candidate must provide proof that they have at least one control center which operates wind turbines on a 24/7 basis.
The justification of this capacity can be demonstrated by the presentation of at least 2 references performed during the past 5 years. Each of the references provided by the candidate shall at least describe the name and location of the project, the global budget, the work made and scope (full scope O&M), the contractual set-up for the realisation of such reference, the date and duration of realisation, the activities subcontracted or performed, the equipment used and human resources dedicated.
If the candidate does not have any reference, they shall demonstrate they have the professional skills, human resources, technical and financial capacity to undertake such project (2 pages max, word or PDF format).
Afficher plus Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des règles et critères:
“The tender will be sent to the candidates that will demonstrate their capacity to comply with our requirements.
The contract will be awarded according to...”
Liste et brève description des règles et critères
The tender will be sent to the candidates that will demonstrate their capacity to comply with our requirements.
The contract will be awarded according to most economically advantageous tender based on criterias that will be indicated in the invitation to tender.
Afficher plus
Dépôts et garanties exigés:
“Candidates must have the capacity to provide a Parent Company Guarantee and on-demand bank guarantees issued by a first rate bank.”
Principales conditions de financement et modalités de paiement et/ou référence aux dispositions pertinentes qui les régissent:
“Any payment shall be made by employer to contractor within forty-five (45) days from the date of the invoice.”
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2020-05-28
15:00 📅
Date estimée d'envoi des invitations à soumissionner ou à participer aux candidats sélectionnés: 2020-06-15 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: français 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 9
Informations complémentaires Organe de révision
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
URL:🌏 Organisme responsable des procédures de médiation
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
URL:🌏 Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Greffe du tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Source: OJS 2020/S 084-199714 (2020-04-27)