During the IFA2 (Interconnexion France – Angleterre 2) interconnector operation, a 1 GW interconnector between Chilling, Hampshire in England and Merville-Franceville Plage in France, in case a failure occurs on a submarine link in the Channel, one of the bottlenecks of repairing a cable fault is the availability of spare cable and other accessories for such repair.
For that reason, RTE and NGIL procured and own a set of critical spares (cables and accessories) that will have to be stored, protected from any form of aggression, and be ready for mobilisation whenever a repair is required.
RTE and NGIL are therefore launching a tender for storage and logistics services for submarine cable system spare parts.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2019-01-31.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2018-12-21.
Avis de marché (2018-12-21) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: Reseau de Transport d’ELECTRICITE (RTE)
Numéro d'enregistrement national: 444 619 258
Adresse postale: Immeuble WINDOW - 7C, Place du Dôme
Commune postale: Paris La Défense
Code postal: 92073
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Personne de contact: Francois Thin
Courrier électronique: francois.thin@rte-france.com📧
Région: France🏙️
URL: https://www.rte-france.com🌏
Adresse du profil d'acheteur: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Nom: National Grid Interconnectors LIMITED (NGIL)
Numéro d'enregistrement national: 3385525
Adresse postale: 1-3 Strand
Commune postale: London
Pouvoir adjudicateur
Code postal: WC2N 5EH
Pays: Royaume-Uni 🇬🇧
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Personne de contact: Nicola Thomas
Pouvoir adjudicateur
Courrier électronique: nicola.thomas@nationalgrid.com📧
Région: United Kingdom 🏙️
URL: http://www.nationalgrid.com🌏 Informations sur la passation conjointe de marchés
Le contrat prévoit la passation d'un marché conjoint
En cas de passation conjointe de marchés impliquant différents pays, indiquer la législation nationale applicable en matière de passation de marchés: French legislation apply
L'accès aux documents d'appel d'offres est restreint
URL des documents: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
URL de participation: https://rte-france.bravosolution.com🌏
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Storage and logistics services for submarine cable system spares
Produits/services: Services de stockage📦
Brève description:
“During the IFA2 (Interconnexion France – Angleterre 2) interconnector operation, a 1 GW interconnector between Chilling, Hampshire in England and...”
Brève description
During the IFA2 (Interconnexion France – Angleterre 2) interconnector operation, a 1 GW interconnector between Chilling, Hampshire in England and Merville-Franceville Plage in France, in case a failure occurs on a submarine link in the Channel, one of the bottlenecks of repairing a cable fault is the availability of spare cable and other accessories for such repair.
For that reason, RTE and NGIL procured and own a set of critical spares (cables and accessories) that will have to be stored, protected from any form of aggression, and be ready for mobilisation whenever a repair is required.
RTE and NGIL are therefore launching a tender for storage and logistics services for submarine cable system spare parts.
Lieu d'exécution: Normandie🏙️
Lieu d'exécution: South East (England) 🏙️
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution:
“A secure port, accessible 24/7 and located within 3 vessel-day from the IFA2 interconnector cable link is requested for the storage location of submarine cables.”
Site principal ou lieu d'exécution
A secure port, accessible 24/7 and located within 3 vessel-day from the IFA2 interconnector cable link is requested for the storage location of submarine cables.
Afficher plus
Description du marché:
“This procurement shall cover the storage and management of approximately 8 km of HVDC submarine power cable, 2 km of HVAC submarine power cable, 4 km of...”
Description du marché
This procurement shall cover the storage and management of approximately 8 km of HVDC submarine power cable, 2 km of HVAC submarine power cable, 4 km of fiber optic cable, and accessories such as different types of cable joints as well as all equipment needed for the handling and the logistics. These items stored will be used as submarine spare parts for the IFA2 interconnector.
The submarine cables, stored in the same location, are divided into two types: HVDC submarine power cable used and managed by both RTE and NGIL, and HVAC submarine power cable only used and managed by NGIL.
A secure port, accessible 24/7 and located within 3 vessel-day from the interconnector cable link is requested for the storage location of submarine cables.
The objective of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) attached in this Contract notice is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for the provision of the services required by NGIL and RTE.
RTE will lead the procurement process for this piece of work on behalf of NGIL and RTE. The contract will be awarded on a tripartite basis between RTE, NGIL and the awarded company.
Afficher plus Critères d'attribution
Le prix n'est pas le seul critère d'attribution et tous les critères ne sont énoncés que dans les documents de passation de marchés
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Durée de l'accord: 120
Durée du contrat, de l'accord-cadre ou du système d'acquisition dynamique
Ce contrat est susceptible d'être renouvelé ✅ Description
Description des renouvellements: The contract is subject to renewal: 2 options of 60 months each.
Informations sur les limites du nombre de candidats à inviter
Nombre minimum envisagé: 3
Informations sur les options
Options ✅
Description des options: 2 options of extension of time for the Contract.
Informations complémentaires:
“RTE and NGIL reserves the right to award directly the contract to most competitive bid without negotiation process.
Both technical and commercial evaluation...”
Informations complémentaires
RTE and NGIL reserves the right to award directly the contract to most competitive bid without negotiation process.
Both technical and commercial evaluation at each stages of the tendering process will be performed in common by RTE and NGIL. The contract award scenario will be based on the best global offer.
Informations juridiques, économiques, financières et techniques Conditions de participation
Liste et brève description des conditions:
“Please refer to instruction given in the PQQ spreadsheet attach (to download under Bravo Solution Portal).” Situation économique et financière
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“Please refer to instruction given in the PQQ spreadsheet attach (to download under Bravo Solution Portal).” Capacité technique et professionnelle
Liste et brève description des critères de sélection:
“Please refer to instruction given in the PQQ spreadsheet attach (to download under Bravo Solution Portal).” Conditions de participation
Dépôts et garanties exigés:
“The Employer reserves the right to ask for Performance Bonds and ultimate Parent Company Guarantee (if applicable, will be described in ITT Documentation).”
Principales conditions de financement et modalités de paiement et/ou référence aux dispositions pertinentes qui les régissent:
“Financing from own resources. Payment arrangements will be described in ITT Documentation.”
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché:
“Economic operators must indicate in response to this question what legal form they propose to submit a response to the PQQ and, if short listed, to submit...”
Forme juridique que devra revêtir le groupement d'opérateurs économiques attributaire du marché
Economic operators must indicate in response to this question what legal form they propose to submit a response to the PQQ and, if short listed, to submit tenders in.
The Employer reserves the right, when awarding the contract, to ask the group to be transformed into a solidary group or with a jointly-liable representative of the consortium, insofar as this transformation is necessary for the proper performance of the contract.
In this case, all the supporting official documents requested in III.1.1), III.1.2) and III.1.3) must be supplied by each member of the consortium.
Procédure Type de procédure
Procédure négociée avec mise en concurrence préalable
Informations administratives
Délai de réception des offres ou des demandes de participation: 2019-01-31
12:00 📅
Langues dans lesquelles les offres ou les demandes de participation peuvent être présentées: anglais 🗣️
Le délai ci-dessous est exprimé en nombre de mois.
Délai minimum pendant lequel le soumissionnaire doit maintenir l'offre: 6
“This contract notice and the ITT are under French Law.
The applicable law of the contract will be English Law.” Organe de révision
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠 Procédure d'examen
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen:
“A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in articles 5 et seq. of Order NO.2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint...”
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen
A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in articles 5 et seq. of Order NO.2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint proceedings applicable to public procurement contracts. The appeal must be lodged before the conclusion of the contract.
A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in articles 11 et seq. of Order NO.2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint proceedings applicable to public procurement contracts.
The appeal must be lodged at the latest on the thirty first (31) day following the publication of the contract award notice in the Official Journal of the European Union or, for the contracts based on a framework agreement or on a dynamic purchasing system, following the notification of the contract signature.
In the absence of publication of the award notice or in the absence of notification of the contract signature, an application to the competent court may be made until the expiry of a six (6) months period starting at the day after the date of conclusion of the contract in accordance with article 1441-3 of the French Code of Civil Procedure.
Afficher plus Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Nom: Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Adresse postale: 179-191, avenue Joliot-Curie
Commune postale: Nanterre Cedex
Code postal: 92020
Pays: France 🇫🇷
Téléphone: +33 140971010📞
Fax: +33 147243161 📠
Source: OJS 2018/S 248-574823 (2018-12-21)
Avis d'attribution de marché (2019-08-06) Pouvoir adjudicateur Nom et adresse
Nom: Réseau de transport d’électricité (RTE)
Adresse postale: Immeuble Window — 7C place du Dôme
Commune postale: Paris-La-Défense
Pouvoir adjudicateur (supplémentaire)
Nom: National Grid Interconnectors Ltd (NGIL)
Personne de contact: Carole Salval
Objet Champ d'application du marché
Titre: Storage and Logistics Services for Submarine Cable System Spares
Brève description:
“During the IFA2 (Interconnexion France — Angleterre 2) interconnector operation, a 1 GW interconnector between Chilling, Hampshire in England and...”
Brève description
During the IFA2 (Interconnexion France — Angleterre 2) interconnector operation, a 1 GW interconnector between Chilling, Hampshire in England and Merville-Franceville Plage in France, in case a failure occurs on a submarine link in the channel, one of the bottlenecks of repairing a cable fault is the availability of spare cable and other accessories for such repair.
For that reason, RTE and NGIL procured and own a set of critical spares (cables and accessories) that will have to be stored, protected from any form of aggression, and be ready for mobilisation whenever a repair is required.
RTE and NGIL are therefore launching a tender for storage and logistics services for submarine cable system spare parts.
Afficher plus Description
Description du marché:
“This procurement shall cover the storage and management of approximately 8 km of HVDC submarine power cable, 2 km of HVAC submarine power cable, 4 km of...”
Description du marché
This procurement shall cover the storage and management of approximately 8 km of HVDC submarine power cable, 2 km of HVAC submarine power cable, 4 km of fiber optic cable, and accessories such as different types of cable joints as well as all equipment needed for the handling and the logistics. These items stored will be used as submarine spare parts for the IFA2 interconnector.
The submarine cables, stored in the same location, are divided into 2 types: HVDC submarine power cable used and managed by both RTE and NGIL, and HVAC submarine power cable only used and managed by NGIL.
A secure port, accessible 24/7 and located within 3 vessel-day from the interconnector cable link is requested for the storage location of submarine cables.
The objective of the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ) attached in this contract notice is to produce a short-list of suitably qualified companies who will be invited to tender for the provision of the services required by NGIL and RTE.
RTE will lead the procurement process for this piece of work on behalf of NGIL and RTE. The contract will be awarded on a tripartite basis between RTE, NGIL and the awarded company.
Afficher plus Informations sur les options
Description des options:
“2 options of extension of time for the contract.
1 option for temporary storage.”
Procédure Informations administratives
Publication précédente concernant cette procédure: 2018/S 248-574823
Attribution du marché
Titre: Storage and Logistics Services for Submarine Cable System Spares
Date de conclusion du contrat: 2019-07-12 📅
Informations complémentaires Organe de révision
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot-Curie
Procédure d'examen
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen:
“A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in Articles 5 et seq. of order No 2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint...”
Informations précises sur le(s) délai(s) des procédures d'examen
A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in Articles 5 et seq. of order No 2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint proceedings applicable to public procurement contracts. The appeal must be lodged before the conclusion of the contract.
A claim in a pre-contractual summary proceeding is possible as stated in Articles 11 et seq. of order No 2009-515 of 7.5.2009 related to complaint proceedings applicable to public procurement contracts.
The appeal must be lodged at the latest on the thirty first (31) day following the publication of the contract award notice in the Official Journal of the European Union or, for the contracts based on a framework agreement or on a dynamic purchasing system, following the notification of the contract signature.
In the absence of publication of the award notice or in the absence of notification of the contract signature, an application to the competent court may be made until the expiry of a six (6) months period starting at the day after the date of conclusion of the contract in accordance with Article 1441-3 of the French Code of civil procedure.
Afficher plus Service auprès duquel des informations sur la procédure de recours peuvent être obtenues
Adresse postale: 179-191 avenue Joliot-Curie
Source: OJS 2019/S 152-375706 (2019-08-06)