Rail replacement works in tunnels


Eurotunnel will start from october 2013 on a period of around 30 months a rail replacement program in the Concession Tunnels.
This program will be splitted in 3 campaigns which will probably take place in each first quarter of 2014, 2015 and 2016 years
During each campaign an average of 33000 lm of track will be replaced on the basis of a working access scenario chosen by EUROTUNNEL when granting the contract.
The tender and specifically the technical specifications which will be provided to the tenderers will include a serie of possible scenarios for working accesses . The tenderers will have to propose a technical and financial offer for at least one of the scenarios proposed by EUROTUNNEL.
The works will mainly include the rail replacement the rail fastenings replacement and the rail pads replacement. The responsibility of the Company in charge will also include connex activities to rail replacement operations as fastening preparation unloading of new rails before replacement reloading of old rails after replacement destressing of CWR.
The tenderers will have to propose an adequate methodology to answer to the conditions included in the specifications and will have to take contractual engagement on performance safety and quality criteria in relation with the chosen working access scenario (s).
The whole spare parts fo this rail replacement operation will be transmitted to the Company in charge by EUROTUNNEL (rails, fastenings ,rail pads) on the basis of a delivery program which will be validated commonly between EUROTUNNEL , the Suppliers and the Company in charge of the rail replacement program.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2013-05-24. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2013-05-07.

Qui ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2013-05-07 Avis de marché