Evaluation of a 3 year communications campaign in favour of Quality Cheeses of Europe / France in the United States
Conduct an evaluation study on a communication campaign led by the dairy interprofession on the quality cheeses of Europe (mainly French cheeses) in the United States of America.
The selected candidate will report to the coordinator of the present invitation to tender : CNIEL France.
The duration of present invitation to tender is be for three years. However, It will be renewed every twelve months (after the end of year one and the end of year two) only if the following conditions are met:
1. If the European Union renews its financial partnership with CNIEL
subject to the approval by the French Authorities of the interbranch agreement on the "Cotisation interprofessionnelle rendue Obligatoire" (a mandatory inter-branch contribution) and the approval of the annual budget by the "Conseil d'Administration" (Board of Directors) of the CNIEL, which will be each considered as approved in due time unless CNIEL notifies the contrary to the other Partie(s.
The present invitation to tender will commence on January 1st, 2014and will end on December 31st 2014. If renewed twice, the dates are:
January 1st to December 31st, 2015 and
January 1st to December 31st, 2016.
Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2013-03-15.
L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2013-01-29.
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