Rails supply and delivery


Eurotunnel will start a rerailing in the tunnels campaign from september 2013 over a average period of 36 months.
For this operation a average rail length of 195 000 m (12000 T) will be necessary over the 36 months period. A detailed planning will be included in the tender dossier.
Various type of rails could be choosen depending of the steel metalurgical choices.
For information the first delivery will be in september 2013 for an average 15% of the total quantity , the remaining quantity will be splitted over the 36 months.
The main characteristics of the rails will be.
— total conformity to EN 13674 norm;
— rail profile 60 E1 or 60 E2;
— profile class X;
— alignment class A;
— elementary rails from a mini of 60 m to a maxi of 120 m;
— perlitic or bainitic steel.
The tenderers will have to be able to propose a rails delivery logistic to Coquelles or Folkestone for rails from 60 to 400 m on specialised wagons.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2013-01-15. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2012-12-14.

Qui ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2012-12-14 Avis de marché