Eurotunnel's Railway Vehicles Wheelset Revision

Eurotunnel is a partnership between the 2 Companies France Manche and The Channel Tunnel Group

Within the maintenance of its Rolling Stock, the contract deals with revison of bogies axles.
The wheelset's park can be divided as follows:
1) first batch: carrier wheelsets
a) passenger carrier wheelsets
b) freight carrier Breda wheelsets
c) freight carrier Arbel wheelsets
d) freight passenger carrier wheelsets
Quantites will be approximately 400 en 2013, 700 in 2014 and 650 in 2015.
2) Second batch: locomotive wheelsets
a) Eurotunnel locomotive wheelsets
b) Class 92 locomotive wheelsets
Quantities will approximately be: 44 in 2013, 76 in 2014 and 106 in 2015.
Every kind of wheelset will be considered as a lot and the allocation of lots could be separetely handled at one or several suppliers.
Tenderer responsibility: Transport's management between Eurotunnel site and its workshop; Part's expertise by non-destructive test(bearing, bearing box, axles, transmissions...); Wheels replacement; Painting; Spares parts as grease, screws...
Eurotunnel responsibility will be the strategic parts supply (wheels, axles, bearings).
The contract which will begin in April 2013 will be granted for a duration of 3 years with an renewal option of twice time a year.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2012-09-12. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2012-08-03.

Qui ?

Qu'est-ce que c'est ?

Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2012-08-03 Avis de marché