Supply of computer, telecommunications and office equipment, installation, maintenance and IT training in order to modernize the NCBs infrastructure in seven countries of Central America

ICPO Interpol

Procurement of electric power generators, computer and telecommunications goods and services to modernize the NCBs infrastructure and to enable the remote sites to access the I-24/7 services of the organization. Training sessions will be organized for the staff responsible for the day-to-day operations with the IT infrastructure.
The modernization encompasses the supply, integration, configuration and installation of virtual private networks and messaging services, work stations and office equipment, as well as upgrading of security installations. Moreover, all computer equipment must be subject to a 3-years maintenance.

Date limite
Le délai de réception des offres était de 2011-05-23. L'appel d'offres a été publié le 2011-03-18.

Qui ?

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Historique des marchés publics
Date Document
2011-03-18 Avis de marché