Les marchés publics en France
Fournisseur: SAS Net Éclair
Fournisseur: SAS Net Éclair
Un marché public archivé
SAS Net Éclair est historiquement un fournisseur de
autres services communautaires, sociaux et personnels
services divers
Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur SAS Net Éclair est mentionné
Cleaning services, maintenance of green areas and services for the prevention, detection and destruction of harmful...
European Railway Agency
The Agency, which has to maintain its buildings with due and proper care, therefore requires the services of a company specialising in the ‘multi-service’ field, namely: For its building in Valenciennes: cleaning services; services to maintain green areas; services for the prevention, detection and destruction of harmful substances. For its conference centre in Lille: cleaning services. The contract is not divided into lots. The tenderer must therefore be able to provide all the aforementioned services. …
Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés:
SAS Net Éclair
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