Fournisseur: Intuition Publishing Ltd

2 marchés publics archivés

Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur Intuition Publishing Ltd est mentionné

2017-12-14   Technical e-learning services for ESMA (ESMA)
The objective of this tender is to find the provider with an existing e-learning catalogue and courses, which can be accessed using a single entry point, for the ESMA technical e-learning. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Intuition Publishing Ltd
2013-04-17   Training and e-learning activities (European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA))
— Development of an e-learning course. — The delivery of blended learning courses in the domain of the financial markets and economics. — The delivery of training courses in the domain of the financial markets and economics. — The delivery of soft-skills development training related supervision and regulation. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Intuition Publishing Ltd