Fournisseur: IE University

Un marché public archivé

IE University est historiquement un fournisseur de services d'enseignement et de formation et services de formation.
Historiquement, les soumissionnaires concurrents ont été Dublin Business School et PwC EU Services EESV.

Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur IE University est mentionné

2022-03-22   Delivery of Professional Technical Skills Development Trainings (European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA))
ESMA (representing as well EBA and EIOPA) is seeking contractors with experience in working in an international environment and in the development of customised training sessions and workshops preferably for international, national, or European organisations. ESMA is particularly interested in working with industry experts and trainers with first-hand experience in financial market supervision either at a supervised firm or at a supervisory body. Voir la passation de marché »
Fournisseurs mentionnés: Dublin Business School IE University PwC EU Services EESV