Marchés publics récents dans lesquels le fournisseur Freinrail est mentionné
2012-11-19Supply of new brakes disc cylinders for passenger and Arbel Shuttles (Eurotunnel)
Supply of new brakes disc cylinders for passenger and Arbel Shuttles.
Lot 1.
The prototyping of the new brakes cylinders for Arbel shuttles - Quantity 18.
Lot 2.
Supply new brakes cylinders for Arbel shuttles - Quantity 336.
Lot 3.
The prototyping of the new brakes cylinders for passangers shuttle quantity 40.
Lot 4.
Supply of new brakes cylinders for passangers shuttles - quantity 777.
Voir la passation de marché » Fournisseurs mentionnés:Freinrail