Passation de marchés: Société Éolienne de Sainte Rose

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Récents marchés passés par Société Éolienne de Sainte Rose

2020-04-27   Supply Transportation Installation and O&M of 4 WTGs and of a Generator for a Repowered Windfarm in La Réunion (Société Éolienne de Sainte Rose)
Supply transportation installation and O&M of a windfarm in the city of Sainte Rose located in the tropical island of La Réunion (French Territory). The windfarm is made of 23 turbines of 275 kW each with 32 m of rotor diameter and a hub height of 60 m with a total power of 6 325 MW. The repowered wind farm should be made of 4 WTG with a maximum of 130 m, 100 m of rotor diameter, 80 m of hub height and a power comprised between 2 and 3.5 MW. The supply and the O&M of a generator is part of the base scope. Voir la passation de marché »