Passation de marchés: France Manche et Channel Tunnel Group, agissant solidairement dans le cadre d'une société en participation sous le nom Eurotunne

3 marchés publics archivés

Récents marchés passés par France Manche et Channel Tunnel Group, agissant solidairement dans le cadre d'une société en participation sous le nom Eurotunne

2011-09-16   Supply of hydraulic shock absorbers for railways vehicles (France Manche et Channel Tunnel Group, agissant solidairement dans le cadre d'une société en participation sous le nom Eurotunne)
Supply of hydraulic shock absorbers for rail systems applications. These equipments are installed on the suspension bogies system of the Eurotunnel Fret rail vehicles and locomotives. Lot 1: locomotives shock absorber. Sublots: — primary vertical shock absorber, — secondary transversal shock absorber, — secondary vertical shock absorber, — yaw damper. Lot 2: Fret vehicle shock absorber. Sublots: — primary vertical shock absorber, — secondary transversal shock absorber, — secondary vertical shock … Voir la passation de marché »
2011-05-12   Operations of rail replacement on Eurotunnel railway network (France Manche et Channel Tunnel Group, agissant solidairement dans le cadre d'une société en participation sous le nom Eurotunne)
Operations of replacement of rail UIC 60 kg on Eurotunnel railway network place of works: both sites - French and English railways terminals works consist to replace the rails and the fastenings 5360 meters of rail need to be replaced (3280 m on UK site, 2080 m on FR site) work planning: works are planned in september and october (year 2011). The main tracks at the Concession are fitted with rails weighing 60 kg/m of various lengths. Design of the track: NABLA flexible fastenings (rail clips or elastic … Voir la passation de marché »
2011-04-21   Supply of rail (UIC 60 kg) (France Manche et Channel Tunnel Group, agissant solidairement dans le cadre d'une société en participation sous le nom Eurotunne)
Suplly of rail (UIC 60 kg) for operations of replacement planned on Eurotunnel site: railways terminals. Year 2011 requirement: French and UK Railways terminals: Rail UIC 60 E1 / normal nuance / grade 260. Lenghts (will be defined in tender technical documents). Quantity: 1 400 m. Rail UIC 60 E1 / thermic treatment / grade 350 LHT or hardeness (will be defined in tender technical documents if needed)). Lenghts (will be defined in tender technical documents). Quantity: 4 000 m. Delivery period: August … Voir la passation de marché »